Page 43 of The Senator

“So, what’s new in your world? I’m sure you know all about what’s new in mine.” The door opened and several people exited the car, greeting Sean. He vowed to return in a moment after getting some air, and the door closed.

“Spence, you and I would make very strange bedfellows to most people, but I think we’re the perfect pair.” I stepped back from him, surprised when he laughed.

“Not that way, you narcissist. I know you’re in love with Nash, and please, keep him out of the widows’ beds. He’s too good for that shit. No, I mean, I want you to come work for me. You could talk a dog off a meat wagon, and that’s what I need.

“Even with this scandal, which will die down as soon as word hits that Caroline Bering-Turner was a madam in DC and she’s taken all of Turner’s assets with her to wherever the fuck she ended up, you’re off the front page and not even a footnote in the obituary section. Believe it or not, this current disaster trumps your shit in spades. How’s Vani?”

I chuckled. “She’s moving to New York after Christmas. She has a job for a large real estate management company waiting for her. The split will be amicable. Why would you want to hire me?” It was out of left fucking field, to be sure.

We settled at a small table in the back corner of the lobby bar, and Sean ordered two beers for us. The bartender nodded and a minute later, the cold bottles were delivered, and my empty was whisked away.

Sean held up his beer in a toast, so I touched mine to his before we both took a swig. After he swallowed, Sean smiled at me. “You were like fucking Captain America before those pictures hit the papers, you know? Young, good-looking, Mr. Boy-Next-Door. A country boy who worked his way up the political ladder and ended up in the Senate. I bet the Judge wanted you to become President, didn’t he?” Sean was referring to my father.

I chuckled. “You’ve done your homework.”

“I happened to come across an opposition paper on you from your opponent. She commissioned lots of research on you, Spence. She didn’t use it—blatantly—but she knew all about your past.”

My opponent, Shirlene Biggins, was an up-and-comer in the Republican party. She was thirty-six and married to a doctor. They had one child, and Shirlene rode the moral high ground on a large white steed—no abortion rights, no gay rights, no civil rights. She was exactly what the former president wanted in a woman, and sadly, with the scandal I’d brought on myself, she beat me handily when my colleagues turned their backs on me—especially the Democratic Governor. That was a hard pill to swallow.

“So, again, I ask why you’d be interested in having me work for you?”

A man like Sean always had an ulterior motive for doing anything. He was too fucking successful not to.

Sean chuckled. “Shirlene Biggins had an affair with Andrew Bennett when they both worked for the Attorney General in Virginia. She blackmailed him into not coming to your defense during this scandal, Senator. She’s got a big hand behind her, and I don’t know who it is, but it was enough to scare the fuck out of Bennett.

“Come work for me, and we’ll figure it out together. Get back to me after the first of the year, and please, don’t dick Nash around anymore. He’s a good kid, and he’s an honest bartender, which is hard to find.”

Sean finished his beer and left me at the table alone. He walked to the bar and spoke to the bartender as he pointed to me. The guy nodded and Sean left with a wave and a smile.

I wasn’t exactly sure what happened, but I had a job offer I hadn’t expected. Maybe things were looking up? I could only hope so.



I found Spencer in the hotel bar after Jorge, my friend with whom I’d worked catered gigs several times, offered to take over closing the bar to get the bonus from Naomi. I wasn’t about to fight him over it. I desperately wanted to get to Spencer.

“You ready?” I found Spencer in a booth in the back after I checked with the bartender. I offered to pay the tab, but the guy said Sean had covered it. Spence sat at a table alone, nursing a beer that felt warm to the touch. He looked up at me when I sat down across from him, and he seemed dazed for a second before the fog cleared. “You’re finished? You’re done for the night?”

I nodded.

Spence chuckled. “Let’s go up. I’m just getting started with you.” I seconded that notion.

We left the bar, Spence grabbing two beers for us before we got onto the elevator. Once we got into the room, the two pilsners were long forgotten. I kissed and sucked every inch of his body, and when I had edged the two of us to the point we were about to lose it, I slid on a condom and gently pushed my way into his gorgeous ass after rolling him onto his side.

“You okay?” I’d never do anything to hurt him. I was sure he felt the same about me. The look in his eyes as I pistoned in and out of his hole was beautiful.

It was like a fucking dream come true for me. I was home… Spencer Brady had become my home.

“I’m gonna come,” Spence gasped.

“I’m right there with you.” I reached down and jacked his shaft twice before the warm cum covered my hand. It wasn’t a violent coupling, but it did the job for both of us. For a first time, it wasn’t my best work, but I’d been nervous. It was a line I thought I wouldn’t cross, but looking into Spencer’s eyes, how could I not?

I flopped onto my back, having drained myself inside the condom as I tried to catch my breath. His grip on my length was firm, and the condom was thin, so it was almost like there wasn’t anything between us. That was a step I hoped we got to because I’d never gone bareback.

“Son of a… I think I’m stupefied.” Spence tried to catch his breath as well. He was on his side, and his left leg was crooked up to give me access to him from behind, which had been incredible.

I hopped up from the bed and went into the luxurious bathroom to toss the condom, turning on the water in the huge tub. I knew it had been a while since he’d bottomed, and a hot bath might help loosen up his muscles so he wouldn’t be so sore the next… later that morning.