Page 38 of The Senator

I sucked down the rest of my beer, prepared to leave him. The poor man had a mountain of shit to stew over. “I, uh, I better go.” I started to get up from the couch when Spence grabbed my hand.

“I know you have your rules, and I respect them, but please, please don’t leave tonight. Please stay. Nothing—nothing has to happen between us…”

I couldn’t take it any longer. I took his beer bottle and placed it on the coaster, climbing to straddle him.

There were a lot of things that needed to be worked out before anything serious could happen between us, but I’d knowingly been with married men before, getting paid for what happened between us. I had no care or concern for those men, or their wives at the time.

Was the current circumstance so different? Yes, I knew the players involved much better than my johns, but I also cared about Vani and Spence. She’d made it clear she wanted something to happen between Spencer and me, so was there something wrong with pursuing it, even if it was just a blow job?

I made a promise to myself, as my tongue entered his mouth tasting the hops from the beer on his tongue. I swore I wouldn’t get in the middle of his divorce. However, there was a force drawing us together, and maybe, if we acted on it, he could get over whatever he felt about me and begin putting his life back together.

Spence succumbed to me, and I felt the thrill of power surge through my body. I pulled away, biting his bottom lip before I opened my eyes and released it, soothing the sting with my tongue.

“Oh, fuck, Nash. Please stay with me. I swear, I won’t take advantage of you, but I need to feel you in my arms.” Spencer’s pleading voice was quiet, and it broke my resolve.

I scurried off his lap and onto the floor, kneeling between his long legs. I opened the button and zipper of his jeans, seeing white briefs trying to contain his hard cock. My mouth watered for it. “Lift.”

He did so without question.

His hard shaft sprung free, looking angry and purple. I glanced up at Spence, waiting for consent. He nodded, and I kissed the head of his cock, tasting the salty tang of his pre-come on my tongue.

It was like a shot of Spanish Fly to my libido, so I bobbed down, deep throating that thick dick and swallowing around him. I usually made a mint from my oral skills, but it was a pleasure to suck Spencer Brady’s cock. I wanted him to feel pleasure. He deserved it.

“Oh, fuck, Nash.” He moaned as I slowly released him before pulling off his pants and briefs so I could get to his heavy balls. I quickly pulled his muscular thighs over my shoulders, pulling his ass closer so I could get to him. I sucked one of his balls into my mouth swirling my tongue over the hairless orbs before nipping at the skin.

I moved to the left one and offered it the same love I’d shown to the right. I glanced up to see Spencer beginning to stroke his cock as I slid my tongue behind his taint to nip at his pink hole.

“Please, please, fuck me.” Spencer’s begging had my cock so hard I had to reach down and pinch the base.

God knew I wanted to rail the guy, but that was more than a blow job, which was all I’d let myself enjoy. This encounter involved feelings, and if I fucked him or he fucked me, the feelings would go out of control on my end. I couldn’t let that happen.

Without responding, I took his shaft back into my mouth and sunk down on his impressive length. My own dick was threatening to bust through my zipper, so as I continued to go down on Spencer, I pulled mine out and stroked myself.

I edged him to prolong his pleasure as I took my own from his moans while he gently ran his fingers through my hair. I felt his nails scrape my scalp, and I choked on his cock because I wanted to offer a moan of my own.

Spence stopped moving and tried to pull away, but I refused to stop. I continued sucking him as I used my own juice as lube to push a finger inside him enough to find his P-spot. He thrust into my mouth again, and suddenly, he flooded my throat with his release.

I swallowed around his thick, hard cock, feeling proud at what I’d accomplished. As he continued to throb in my mouth, I quickly shoved my hard dick back into my pants, deciding to take care of myself later.

I’d accomplished my goal of getting him off, and when he fell asleep, I planned to slip out of the house and leave Spencer Brady to the rest of his life.



My cell woke me the next Tuesday morning, which was the second week of December. I was scheduled to bartend at a holiday party that night for a big law firm in DC, and when I saw who the text was from, I wasn’t sure if I should answer.

I’d left the Brady’s home after I’d helped Spence upstairs to his bed, tucking him in after assisting him with removing the rest of his clothes. I fought the temptation to crawl in with him, instead, kissing his forehead and covering him with the soft blankets on his bed.

I picked up his phone from the nightstand and removed my contact information, feeling my heart crack as I did. It was best for all of us. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get to Vani’s phone to do the same.

The note I left for my dear friend on the counter thanked her for dinner and apologized for spending the night in their home. I knew it was off limits for them to have someone over for sex, and I’d crossed the line by blowing Spencer before I left. Make no mistake, the man needed it, and I needed to get him out of my system. Case closed.

I sat up on my shitty mattress in the weekly rental motel I’d found in Southeast DC after I’d moved out of Caroline Turner’s fancy condo to avoid whatever debt she’d try to accuse me of needing to pay. Her assistant had called about several escort jobs, but I’d turned them down. I needed to separate myself from that life.

If I decided to have sex for money again, I damn well wasn’t going to pay a middleman to set it up. It was my ass, mouth, and cock that provided the service, and I was keeping every fucking penny I made. I earned it fair and square.

I had the feeling it was time to pull up stakes and move on from DC—maybe head to Baltimore for a while to make plans for my future. I knew there were tons of bars, sports venues, and a few casinos in the area, so I felt certain I could easily find work as a bartender or a server, which was fine.