“No. Denver took delight in doing it earlier. What’s going on?”
She was dressed in a navy suit with a taupe-colored silk blouse beneath. She looked like Real Estate Barbie with her long blonde hair draped over her shoulders.
I started a pot of regular coffee and pulled down mugs, sugar, and flavored creamers. One was mocha, which I’d seen at the Brady’s home. I’d never tried it, but it looked interesting, so I bought it.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Vani was looking around the kitchen, and then her gaze settled on my ass. She smirked and bit her lip before stepping out of the room to take a seat at the small dining table between the kitchen and the sitting area. That smirk had me a little worried.
“What’s brought you by?” I poured two cups of coffee and put everything on a random tray Caroline kept in the cabinet, carrying it into the dining area and placing it on the table. I sat across from Vanessa to await her response.
She picked up the creamer and squeezed in a helping before she stirred and took a sip. “Mmmm. Delish.” I knew that was bullshit because it was nothing extraordinary.
I glanced at her and cocked an eyebrow, seeing her glowing smile. “Okay, I was worried about you. Spence seems on edge, and he’s not really talking much, so I thought I’d check in with you.”
I chuckled. “Why don’t the two of you stay together? So what if it’s not a conventional marriage. Many aren’t. It just seems like you guys belong with each other.” It wasn’t a lie.
I didn’t expect the laugh at all. It started as a cackle before it faded to a snicker, lasting about ninety seconds. I sat and waited, taking in her beautiful face to see she actually seemed happy. I wanted to know why.
Finally, she composed herself, took another sip of her coffee, and blotted her lips with the paper napkin I’d given her. It wasn’t because I bought things of the sort. Caroline had someone who stocked the place for me.
“I thought Caroline was going to want this place back. Have you talked to her recently?”
“I worked a few nights last week. She’s not booking clients herself any longer. She’s hired an assistant.” Vani’s expression alerted me that something was wrong.
“You worked for her? Who did you spend time with? Did you tell Spence?” The bite in her voice showed she didn’t like the idea of me working escort gigs again.
I took a sip of my coffee, wishing I’d have added more sugar before it got cold. “Spence is a friend, just like you. I didn’t tell anyone I was going on calls because it was truly nobody’s business,” I answered, trying like hell to keep my temper in check. In my life, I’d never answered to anyone, and I wasn’t about to start at the age of twenty-seven.
“Okay, I get it. What’s your relationship with Denver? He seemed awfully excited to get you alone.”
I chuckled. “We’re good friends. Denver was the partner of my best friend, Clint.” It was the same information I’d shared with Spence.
Vani seemed to be racking her brain to try to find another way to ask her question, so I held up my hand. “See, this is another reason I think you and Spencer should give it another go. You’re too far into each other’s business, but you’re not getting into mine. I don’t know what kind of head games you two like to play but leave me out of them. Not my scene.” It was clear by the snap in my voice that I wasn’t participating in her little fact-finding mission.
I started to get up to shower when Vani grabbed my hand. “Please, Nash. I’m sorry if I’m out of line, but I’m planning to move. I want to move to New York, and I don’t want Spencer to come with me. He has a better shot at finding a job he loves if he stays here.”
I had to wonder if that was fact or wishful thinking on her part. A disgraced senator didn’t seem like a good line item on a resume.
Vani gave a weary sigh. “Trust me when I say I love that man with everything inside me, but not the way you love him, and not the way he loves you. When I ask about you, he glows, Nash. I can tell you care about him very much. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t encourage me to give our marriage another chance.”
Those weren’t words I could dispute. I cared about Spencer a lot more than I knew was smart.
“I’ve used Spence as a crutch, and he made it easy because his job kept him from being who he really needs to be. I want a chance at a life that will make me happy as well, and I have a job offer from a realty company in New York. I want the job, but Spence will become overprotective if I tell him. I don’t think he believes I can survive on my own, but that’s my fault because for so long, I couldn’t. I want you to help me break the news to him. If he knows you’re here with him, then I think he’ll let me go a little easier.”
The news was unsettling, as I stared at the small but mighty powerhouse who looked so determined to strike out on her own. It seemed as if, whether I liked it or not, I was in the middle of their marriage. I was likely in love with Spencer Brady or falling, at least. I loved his wife, but not in the same way I was coming to love him.
An unlikely friendship had developed between Vani and me, and I’d always tried to do whatever I could for the few people I cared about. Vanessa Brady had become one of those people.
“Okay, I’ll help you, but why were you staring at my ass?” I was perplexed by her interest.
Vani giggled. “Spencer has a picture of you on his phone, or should I say your ass in a pair of black chinos, from the night we met you. I catch him looking at it a lot. I’m not one to notice a man’s ass, but you do have a nice one. I might not be attracted to your physical appearance, but I can’t deny it’s incredible. The man I know on the inside is the person I love, and I mean it in the most innocent way in the world.”
I was touched. It was likely one of the kindest things anyone had ever said to me.
Vani touched my hand. “Do you have plans today? Can you come over for dinner? I want to tell him tonight because I’m planning to move to New York after Christmas. Jay’s coming home for the main holiday, but he’s going to spend New Year’s and the time before classes start again in January with his boyfriend, Cole.”
“Yeah, uh, I’m free.”
“Good. You know, I hate the idea of leaving Spence in that big house by himself. I’m almost to the point that if he won’t ask me for a divorce, I’m going to ask him. It’s past time, but I just can’t hurt him like that. He’s a kind soul.”