Page 41 of The Senator

Spencer didn’t move from his spot under the large maple tree, so I walked over to him, my duffel in tow. “I’m sorry. I don’t seem to know what the right thing is to do with you.”

The sexy man smirked and stepped forward, taking my duffel. “Yeah, you do. Come inside, please?”

I was completely under his spell, and I couldn’t love it—or him—anymore.



The bellman wheeled in the luggage cart and unloaded our bags, looking around suspiciously at the king-sized bed, the silver ice bucket holding a bottle of champagne, and the small unlit votives around the room. I was surprised to see them myself, if I was being honest. Vanessa had pulled out all the stops, and I’d have to give her a big hug.

The man left after I tipped him, and after he pulled the door closed, I looked at Nash standing silently near the wall. “Why do I feel like a virgin bride on her honeymoon?” His joke surprised me.

I chuckled. “Hey, I think I’m the virgin bride!”

Leading him toward the sitting area, I grabbed us each a bottle of water from the minibar and sat down.

I couldn’t go through another week like the one I’d just endured. I’d thought losing the election had been the biggest hit to my psyche but losing Nash Lincoln had been a fatal blow to my heart, and my body simply refused to lay down and die. I knew I couldn’t take another.

After swallowing a drink from the water bottle, I cleared my throat, staring at Nash to judge his reaction. He reached for my bottle and took a swig before handing it back, placing his bottle on the table.

“Those damn things are like ten bucks a pop. I’ll share yours.” He smirked and winked at me, lighting up my soul.

“You’re worth ten bucks a pop if you want a water of your own, or you can share mine. Or you can have me. I need to know that Vanessa didn’t bully you into doing this out of pity because I’ve had a shitty week.” I put it out there because I wanted him, but not against his better judgment.

I knew Nash had boundaries about being with a married man, and I respected the hell out of him for it. I also knew that Vani thought his logic was bullshit because she and I had reached an agreement years ago about our marriage. At the end of the day, Nash had to live with his conscience, and I wouldn’t be his biggest mistake.

The handsome man stared into my eyes, obviously seeking a truthful answer, and I was prepared to give it to him, regardless of the cost to me. “Ask.”

“Are you still in love with Blaire?”

That was easy. “I was never in love with Blaire. Lust? Yeah, sure. Love? No, never. You, though, you’re the first man I’ve ever loved. Like I said, I don’t expect…”

“I’m in love with you as well, but…”

“I like your butt, but not that but. The fact you’re in love with me is enough. Now, why did Vani book us this room, not that I’m complaining.” A sweet smile bloomed on his face.

“I’m working the Christmas party tonight for Peters and Glass. Vani made the reservation for you to be here when I finish up, so I didn’t have to take a car out to Great Falls. I guess she thinks she’s moved me from my motel. I don’t think it’s a good idea for anyone to track me to your house.” Nash’s voice was laced with concern.

I leaned forward and captured his soft lips in a passionate kiss, teasing the seam of his lips with my tongue until he opened for me. He showed me the passion he had inside him by sucking on my tongue, just as he’d shown my cock the last time I’d seen him.

As our hands caressed the terrain of each other’s body, I pulled Nash on top of me to continue the exquisite kisses. Every inch of the man was like a dream, especially those inches trapped in his jeans. I hoped to hell my dad bod could keep his interest and excite him enough so he’d want me the way I wanted him.

Nash pulled away and looked into my eyes. “You wanna flip for it?”

“No, I want to feel you inside me,” I answered honestly. I hadn’t bottomed for anyone in years, but for Nash? I’d turn myself inside out if it was what he wanted.

Nash glanced at his phone, turning back to me with a smile. “I have a few hours. How about we take a shower? My last residence had shitty water pressure.”

It wasn’t exactly what I wanted to do at that moment, but I wanted to be with him. If he wanted to get into the shower, hell, why not?

I had the privilege of peeling off Nash’s jeans, a skimpy pair of briefs I was happy to find, and a thermal shirt that fit the man exquisitely. For a moment, I seriously considered keeping him in it. Of course, when I slid it off and saw his gorgeous naked body, I knew I’d made the right decision.

Nash took equal time peeling my clothes off before leading me to the large bathroom, turning on the shower to warm before he looked at me, an eyebrow raised in question. “Was this what you had in mind?”

I chuckled, trying at the same time to hold in my gut. My lack of breath alerted Nash to what I was trying to do, and he laughed as he began tickling my ribs. I finally released the held breath and giggled, something I hadn’t done in years, squirming away from him enough to grab his hands. “Stop before I pee!”

We both laughed before Nash pulled me into the large, marble stall with him and held me in his arms. “You are sexy as hell, Spence. Don’t think I’m not totally attracted to you, okay? I love every inch of you.”