“Somewhere they won’t think to look for us,” I replied, setting her down gently. “How’s your arm?”

She flexed it experimentally, wincing slightly. “Better, I think. What did you do?”

“Improvised,” I said, a hint of pride in my voice. “That force field should hold until we reach my shuttle.”

The moment stretched between us, charged with unspoken emotions. My hands itched to pull her close, to feel her heartbeat against my chest and know she was safe. But we couldn’t afford such luxuries now.

“We’re not out of this yet,” I said, breaking the spell. “Can you walk?”

She nodded, determination setting her jaw. “Lead the way.”

We crept through the bowels of the station, relying on my enhanced senses to avoid detection. The distant sound of boots on metal grating echoed around us, spurring us onward.

“There,” I hissed, pointing to a maintenance ladder. “That should lead us to the docking bay level.”

Arilee went first, her movements slow but steady. I followed close behind, ready to catch her if she faltered. As we emerged on the upper level, the familiar sight of my shuttle came into view.

“Almost there,” I urged, scanning the area for threats.

A shout rang out behind us. “There they are!”

We sprinted the final distance, adrenaline surging through my veins. I slammed my hand on the access panel, the shuttle’s hatch sliding open with agonizing slowness.

“Go!” I yelled, practically shoving Arilee inside.

Blaster fire erupted around us as I dove in after her, sealing the hatch behind me. I rushed to the cockpit, my fingers flying over the controls.

“Hang on,” I called back to Arilee. “This might get rough.”

The shuttle roared to life, lifting off as more guards poured into the docking bay. I pushed the engines to their limit, weaving through the station’s defenses.

Arilee stumbled into the co-pilot’s seat, her face pale but determined. “Where are we going?”

I punched in the coordinates for a safe haven I knew, far from Gorin’s influence. “Somewhere they can’t follow.”

As we broke free of the station’s gravity well, I allowed myself a moment of relief. We’d made it. Against all odds, we’d escaped.

I turned to Arilee, struck again by the sheer wonder of her. Despite the ordeal she’d been through, she was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.

“Stay here,” I ordered, unbuckling my harness. “I need to get the med kit.”

Arilee nodded weakly, her blue eyes clouded with pain. I dashed to the rear of the shuttle, my fingers finding the hidden latch that concealed the emergency supplies. The panel slid open with a soft hiss, revealing the compact med kit nestled inside.

Grabbing the kit, I returned to Arilee’s side. She’d slumped further in her seat, her skin ashen beneath the bruises Gorin had inflicted. Anger flared within me at the memory, but I pushed it aside. There would be time for vengeance later.

“Let me see your arm.”

Arilee extended her injured limb, wincing as the movement jostled the makeshift bandage. I carefully unwrapped the blood-soaked fabric, revealing the angry gash beneath.

The force field pendant had done its job, stemming the worst of the bleeding. But the wound was deep, and the risk of infection was high.

I opened the med kit, quickly locating the antiseptic spray and a fresh roll of bandages. “This might sting,” I warned, before applying the spray to the wound.

Arilee hissed through clenched teeth, her free hand gripping the armrest tightly. “Sorry,” I murmured, working as quickly as I could.

Once the wound was clean, I began rewrapping her arm with the sterile bandages. My fingers moved with practiced efficiency, a skill honed through countless battles.

“Where did you learn to do this?” Arilee whispered, her voice ragged.