The sun beat down mercilessly, heat waves shimmering off the scorching sand. This place truly was hell incarnate. It took guts to flee a man like Gorin, let alone into the Crimson Sands. The heat alone could be deadly, and nightfall brought its own set of dangers – predators lurking in the shadows, waiting for unwary prey.
This girl was woefully ill-equipped to face the trials ahead. And yet... I found myself grudgingly impressed by her sheer audacity.
As I rounded a bend, a small cave entrance came into view. “Gotcha,” I muttered.
She had to be inside.
I entered cautiously, my eyes adjusting to the sudden absence of harsh sunlight. The cave wasn’t large, with only a few potential hiding spots. My footsteps echoed off the stone walls as I methodically searched every nook and cranny.
The cooler air was a welcome respite from the relentless heat outside. My muscles ached for rest, begging me to pause and savor this moment of relief. Too bad.
I couldn’t afford to lose momentum. I needed to find that human and be done with this.
Moving deeper into the cave, I emerged onto an open landing. Sunlight streamed in, illuminating the barren expanse. Nothing. The path ahead grew narrower, offering fewer places to hide.
I had to be closing in on her.
I was grateful for my decision to leave the shuttle behind. Its bulk would have been useless in navigating these narrow passages, and the sound of its engines would have echoed for miles, giving away my position.
Minutes later, I inched along a precarious ledge, barely wide enough for my feet. I clung to jagged outcroppings for support, the void yawning beneath me. Carefully, I crouched at the edge, scanning the ground far below and the nearby cliff face. Nothing but sand, dirt, and unyielding rock. Not even a stray footprint to follow.
Celestia help me. She was just a human.
I’d stalked far more formidable targets and found them with ease. This fragile creature was proving to be infuriatingly elusive.
As the path widened once more, I continued my relentless pursuit. My eyes constantly darted between the treacherous footing and the distant ground, intent on her trail.
This human defied all logic. I’d always assumed their kind to be weak and cowardly. Yet here was this slip of a girl, accomplishing the impossible on this sheer cliff face.
I seriously considered turning back, hoping to pick up her trail elsewhere. Then disaster struck.
My foot suddenly slipped, sending me sliding down the sandy slope. Panic surged through me as I clawed desperately at the ground, searching for any purchase. The coarse sand tore at my skin, leaving burning trails in its wake. With each passing second, I drew dangerously closer to the precipice.
At the last possible instant, I spotted a gnarled tree branch jutting from the cliff wall. In a desperate gambit, I swung my leg out, hoping to use it to arrest my fall. My foot scraped agonizingly past, slowing my momentum just enough for my hand to latch on.
Heart pounding, I clung to my lifeline. That’s when I saw them – tracks in the sand. Fresh. Undisturbed by the wind. And the perfect size to be my elusive quarry’s.
“Got you,” I growled.
To my surprise, I found my earlier annoyance lessening at the prospect of the chase – marginally. She had my respect. Still a pain in the ass.
I inspected my leg where the branch had snagged it. The pants were torn, but the small scratch was already healing. Nothing to slow me down.
With renewed determination, I set off up the path the girl had forged. It was steep, almost vertical in places. Had I started here, I would have caught her long ago. I could see where she’d dug her hands and feet into the loose earth, creating makeshift handholds. For once, she’d done something to make my job a little easier.
My legs ate up the distance, each stride bringing me closer to my quarry. The call of the hunt pulsed through my veins, a primal rhythm that matched my thundering heartbeat. I could almost taste victory on my tongue, bitter and sweet.
The desert wind whipped past me, carrying the faint scent of fear - her fear. It was intoxicating.
There she was. My elusive prey. And this time, she had nowhere left to run.
He thought he had me cornered like a helpless animal.
The thing about being insignificant like me? The more they think they’ve got you pegged, the easier it is to prove them wrong. And I was about to shatter every assumption this Vinduthi hunter had made about his human prey.