Page 7 of Pucks and Likes

But she didn’t want anything more than my cock. Not that I blame her—it is a great cock—but still… I miss her with my whole heart. I miss the way she smiles and how she wrinkles her nose before she sneezes. I miss how she said my name and how she reacted when I called her mami. I miss the feel of her in my arms and how she laughed when we watched Friends. I miss how pissed she’d get when I stole a fry or a pepperoni off her pizza.

But most of all, I miss her lips and the feel of her ass in my hands.

Why do I do this to myself? Why do I care? She didn’t want me. So why am I still hung up on her?

She was the one who got away.

Fuck me. Why did I just think that?


I look over my shoulder at the sound of the voice of the Assassins’ coach.

River Moore stands in the door of the boards, and he fills it with ease. He is a massive man and fit at his mature age. He has been a great mentor, but the look on his weathered face has me pausing. “Come on. We need to talk.”

Ciaran glances over at me, and I can tell he’s thinking what I am.




A year earlier…

Clara: wyd

Me: On the treadmill, call in a bit.

Clara: Boo, so I guess going to the new ice cream place probably won’t happen?

Me: Um, yes. That’s why I work out.

Clara: I love you. LOL Any hot eye candy today?

Me: Oh yes, in the form of a hot Mexican goalie in only skintight shorts as he bounces two balls off a wall.

Alejandro Cruz is lethally ripped. Thick, corded muscles down his thighs, his waist so trim and strong. Abs on top of abs, and then some more. Along with that deep V that God created on guys to trick girls into thinking a guy is decent. Each toss of the ball has his back flexing as he catches and does it again, over and over. He’s been at it for over thirty minutes, and in that time, I’ve tripped twice on the treadmill because I’m so engrossed in everything he does.

He’s covered in sweat, and I want to lick him clean.

Ew. What’s wrong with me?

Clara: Mmm, mucho caliente?

Me: Sí, muy caliente!

Clara: I may need to come work out with you.

Me: Nope, he’s all for my viewing pleasure.

Clara: Selfish slutbag.

Me: Takes one to know one!

Clara: LOL

Clara: I love you.