Page 57 of Fifty-Fifty

Afterward, we make pancakes for dinner and start creatin’ dreams of our own. Together.

And I know, without a doubt, that we can achieve every single one of ‘em.



“Ouch.” Beau flinches as I press the needle into her shoulder.

I smile before wiping away the excess ink with a cloth.

“How you doing over there, Beau?” I tease with a crooked grin.

She peeks over her shoulder at me before rolling her eyes. “You’re havin’ way too much fun with this.”

I chuckle under my breath before placing the needle against her delicate skin. “Not because I like seeing you in pain. I just haven’t done a tattoo in a long time and it brings back some pretty awesome memories.”

It’s been a year since my grandpa’s death. I still miss the man I’ve never met, living vicariously through Beau and her memories of him. But one thing’s for certain. He gave me more than I ever could’ve dreamed of. The love of my life, a daughter who’s my whole world, and the home I never asked for, but desperately needed.

I finally got that shop I’d been dreaming of, too. We bought the little house next to us and gutted the entire thing. Transforming it into the perfect tattoo parlor that would make any artist drool. Today is our opening day, and we’re booked out for the next month. People are flocking from miles around and they’re staying at the bed and breakfast next door. The one we never could’ve dreamed would be so lucrative. I guess that Shane’s been whispering to all my old clients about my new location, and I couldn’t be more grateful for his friendship.

He’s staying at the inn for another week and was the first one to use my shop. The lucky bastard inked my arm, fixing the dead tree tattoo that started it all by adding life to it in the form of cherry blossoms. One for Mac, one for Beau, and one for my grandpa. Without him, I’d still be clinging to that dead leaf like my life depended on it.

The gentle hum from the tattoo machine vibrates up my arm as I continue etching the design into Beau’s shoulder.

She tenses for a second before relaxing into my touch. “I guess I can understand that. How’s it comin’, by the way? It’s gonna look like yours, right?”

My lips tilt up in amusement as I glance down at my forearm that still has a fresh bandage on it.

“Yeah. It’ll match. Don’t worry, Beau.” I turn my attention back to the branches of the tree I’m working on. Only this time, instead of a dead leaf, there’s a cherry blossom in its place.

I continue working for another hour with the soft sound of ‘90s’ punk rock echoing from my phone when I finish.

Beau is a relaxed heap in the chair as she lays on her stomach, used to the constant scratching I’ve inflicted on her. When I finally flip the switch on the rotary, she rolls to her side and her eyes light up.

“Is it done?” she squeals, sitting up and hanging her legs off the side of the padded seat.

I laugh while nodding and grabbing my cell from the work table to snap a picture.


Handing my phone to her with the screen still on, I show off her sexy-as-hell tattoo. Her breath hitches as she examines it.

I’ve never been nervous to show someone my work before. I’ve always been confident, and maybe even a little cocky. I’m good at what I do. Great at it, actually. But right now, I’m shaking in my proverbial boots as she studies the image.

Dragging her forefinger across my screen, she licks her lips before peeking over at me as I sit on my swivel chair.

“Do you like it?” I murmur.

She blinks slowly, causing a single tear to slide down her cheek. My heart stops at the sight.

“Beau.” I scoot a few inches closer before gently wrapping my arms around her lower waist. “What’s wrong, baby?”

She shakes her head before wiping away the moisture still staining her skin. “It’s nothin’, Noah. Nothin’s wrong. Promise.”

I place a gentle kiss against her cheek before resting my forehead against hers. “Then why are you crying, Beautiful?”

A dry laugh escapes her before she gingerly wraps her arms around my neck, being careful of her new ink and sore flesh. Releasing a deep sigh, she whispers, “I just… I never thought I’d be here. That I’d have… this. I was so focused on the leaves I’d lost, I’d never taken a second to recognize the blossoms I still had, and the ones that would pop up when I least expected them. That’s all.”