Page 53 of Fifty-Fifty

The question is… can I convince her to give me another chance?

Chapter Eighteen


The air is cold outside. Brisk. It’s gettin’ too cold to take long walks around Love durin’ this time of year, but I can’t bring myself to go inside. Not when I know it’ll be one of the last times. I called Mr. Jenkins this morning, barely containin’ my tears as I told him the news. He couldn’t understand why we’d want to sell the place when we were booked out for the next six weeks.

I can’t figure it out either.

Afterward, I headed to Lover’s Landing. Big mistake. I was a mess as soon as I stepped through the doors. I came for a cup of coffee, I left with a box of tissues. I think Mac knows somethin’ is up. She’s been an absolute angel all day, makin’ sure to keep quiet and not throw any fits, which, let’s be honest, is a damn near miracle.

We’re now sitting on the front porch with a cup of hot chocolate that lost its warmth an hour ago.

My gaze keeps findin’ the empty parking spot, confirmin’ my suspicion.

He left.

He really left.

I shouldn’t be surprised. Hell, I asked him to go, but it still burns.

“Mama. Me cold,” Mac tells me as she snuggles into my chest. She’d been playin’ in the front yard, but I guess she’s done for now.

I swallow past the lump in my throat before noddin’ my head and leadin’ us inside.

Shane is sittin’ on the bottom steps of the stairs playin’ with his mobile when I enter.

It looks like he might’ve been there for a while, and I immediately feel guilty for procrastinatin’.

Releasin’ a sigh, I say, “Sorry, Shane. Have y'all been waitin’ long?”

He looks past his shoulder toward the second floor, but his friends must still be in their rooms.

“No. Everyone slept in late. Sorry if we woke you last night.”

I shake my head, even though it’s a lie. They were so loud that I’m surprised Mac slept through it all.

“Y'all are fine. Are ya wantin’ to check out?”

“Yeah, if that’s okay. I know we’re not staying as long as we’d signed up for, but…” His eyes shine with remorse, and I can only assume that he knows.

My legs are shaky as I rush over to the entryway and grab the papers for him to sign.

“It’s fine,” I choke out. “Just sign here, and you’re good to go. Need anythin’ else?”

He pauses before grippin’ the back of his neck. He wants to say somethin’, but he’s strugglin’ to get out the words.

“I just… I’m sorry.”

My eyes are watery, threatenin’ to spill down my cheeks, but I don’t let them fall.

I won’t let them see my pain.

They don’t deserve front row seats.

No one does.

“It’s fine. I’m gonna go take Mac upstairs for a bath, but if y'all need anythin’ else before ya leave, just holler.”