Page 75 of Strictly the Worst

They provided the soundtrack to an advert I was involved in. “Yeah. But I’m not going.”

“Why?” Brooks looks like he’s going to laugh. Which is all I need. I took care of this kid since the day he was born. I’ve spent my life protecting him.

I’m just gonna need him to return the favor tonight.

“Because she’s going.”

My brother lifts a brow. “Oh this is getting interesting. Who is she?”

“Tessa Carmichael.”

“Right.” He smiles. “The woman you went to Exuma with?”

“How do you know about that?”

“Group chat,” he says. “Myles mentioned you’d taken the trip with some woman.”

“I didn’t see it.” I frown.

“Because you flounced out of it after Holden got all pissy with you when you were in Exuma.”

“Did I? Can you invite me back in?” I ask.

He holds his phone up. “Done. So let’s go back to the subject. You and this Tessa chick…”

“She’s not a chick,” I tell him. “She’s a woman.” Every single inch of her. I won’t let him dismiss her like she’s not important. Because she’s important in every way.

His lip curls. “I bet she is.”

And now I’m annoyed because he’s paying attention to her. Christ, I’m need some sleep. The combination of jet lag and expensive whiskey isn’t making me feel good.

“She thinks I’m full of drama,” I say, stumbling over the last word. It comes out half formed.

Brooks burst out laughing. “Of course you are. But women throw themselves at you anyway. Like that blonde over there.”

I follow the line of his stare. Yeah, she’s still looking.

And for a minute, just a minute, I consider going over to talk to her. To make me feel better.

But then that’ll prove Carmichael right. Because I’ve definitely decided she’s Carmichael. She hates my guts again for some reason.

I liked it better when she liked me. Really liked me. When she came on my mouth and my dick and my fingers.

“Linc?” Brooks says.

“Huh?” I open my eyes, not even realizing I’d closed them. But I’m so damn tired. Of everything.

“You have company.” Brooks says, tilting his head my way. The blonde is standing next to me, looking down at me with a smile on her face.

“Hi,” she says. “I’m Sapphire.”

“Of course you are,” I reply. “But no thank you.”