Page 123 of Strictly the Worst

“You two need to talk,” Angela says.

I give her the smallest of smiles. “We do,” I agree. “We’ll do it tomorrow. If I don’t mess tonight up.”

“You won’t mess it up,” she tells me. “You’re perfect for each other. Anybody can see that.”

“As long as his family does.” I sigh. “Then we can get through the rest.”


“So that’s it.” My father’s lawyer takes the last document from Brooks and slides it into his portfolio. We’ve spent the last hour signing contracts and agreeing to changes in my father’s real estate holdings. Nothing major, just something he likes to do every now and again. Even at his age he can’t let go. He likes to move his money and properties around like a croupier at a casino. Despite the fact that Liam and Myles are perfectly capable of running his finances for him.

We also needed to add Francie – our baby sister – to the list of beneficial owners. For now her mom, Dad’s current wife Julia, will represent her at board meetings. But eventually she’ll take her place at this table with us.

“Well okay then. Thank you, boys.” My father nods at us. I meet Myles’ gaze and we both bite down a grin, because our father is the only one who thinks of us as kids still. Myles is in his forties, even Brooks and I are in our thirties.

Our dad stands and takes Julia’s hand. “We’ll see you at the Plaza this evening.” The two of them walk out of his attorney’s New York office – open on a Saturday at his request – and the six of us follow. Eli and Holden are at the front, talking about Eli’s hockey team, followed by Liam and Brooks.

Myles walks beside me. “We’re looking forward to meeting Tessa tonight,” he says.

“She’s looking forward to it, too,” I reply and Brooks coughs out a laugh.

“What?” I ask him.

“Nobody looks forward to meeting our family,” Brooks replies, shaking his head. “Have you seen us? It’s like the wedding scene in the Godfather. People shake at the knees when they have to be near the Salingers.”

“We’re not exactly the Mafia,” Myles says.

“Yeah, but we’re still fucking intimidating. Do you know how many girlfriends I lost because they were scared of you guys?”

“Seriously?” Myles frowns.

Brooks shrugs. “Not everybody loves big families.”

“Tessa will be fine,” I say confidently. “She’s not afraid of you all. She’s a grown woman with a kid and a career. Five Salinger brothers aren’t going to scare her.”

“Of course we won’t,” Myles says confidently. “We’re like teddy bears.”

“Except for the cute and cuddly part,” Brooks says.

“Bears then.” Liam grins.

“Like wolves,” Brooks adds. “But bigger. So you’re pretty much throwing the girl you like to the wolves.”

“Woman,” I correct. “And I don’t just like her.”

All five of them stop walking. I barrage into Brooks’ back.


“I said she’s a woman.”

Brooks sighs. “The other part.” His eyes meet mine.

“I’m in love with her.” I’m not ashamed of it. “I just haven’t told her yet.”

“Why not?” Myles asks.

“Because I’ve been flying back and forth over the Atlantic for the past few weeks.” I huff. “But I’m going to tell her.”