The week following our impromptu karaoke night is a busy one, so much so that I barely see Billie at all. I’ve wanted to pull her aside and explore the look I saw in her eyes that night, the look that indicated she might be as interested in me as I am in her, but I haven’t had a minute to spare and now it seems like the moment has passed. Even my evenings have been taken up with working on a few extra orders that have poured in. At this rate, we might have to hire another person since Billie and Maya are working more hours than those of a combined full-time employee.

The additional orders coming in are great, but between working on them and also having to help out in the store on occasion, I barely have had time to do anything beyond that besides showering, grabbing a quick meal, and then passing out on my bed only to wake up and do it all over again. Happily, it’s Saturday, and once work is done, Billie and I are watching JJ so that Maya and Jake can have a date night before picking him up tomorrow morning. Having a fun night at home with JJ and Billie is just what the doctor ordered after the rough week I’ve had.

The three of us have big plans to paint, make our own pizzas, and then watch Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood while eating a dessert Billie assures me will taste good even if it looks like baby food to me. It may sound mundane to other people, but it’s just the type of evening I would love to have more of. Sitting at home with loved ones, just enjoying each other’s company. Thinking of Billie as one of my loved ones doesn’t come as a surprise. The more I get to know her, the more I care about her. Each day that passes has me learning more about the incredible woman she is, and whether she is dominating a karaoke stage in a knock-out dress or curled up in a ball on the couch in sweatpants and a t-shirt while we watch reality television, she’s someone I want to be with, and not just as a friend or roommate.

Every time I think I see her feeling the same way, like I thought I did last weekend, she brings up my dating profile and how we need to get it set up. She keeps asking me what the holdup is, but I haven’t had the time or the courage to tell her that it’s because the only woman I can picture myself being with is her. Clearly she doesn’t feel the same way since she is so gung-ho about my dating profile. Maybe it would be best for me to try and forget about Billie and see what else is out there, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. It hasn’t helped that she’s been making dinner all week, passing me a warm plate as soon as I get home so I don’t have to do anything other than crash out. How am I supposed to forget about the smart, caring, sexy woman that’s right in front of me?

“Smile,” I hear over my shoulder. I jump at the intrusion, and when I turn, I see Billie tapping on her phone, likely taking pictures of me.

“Do you have to keep doing that?” It isn’t the first time she’s popped into the shop for a candid photo to put on the dating app, but it’s the first time I’ve responded in such a sour mood. When her face falls, I immediately feel like a heel and drop my cleaning cloth on the table to go apologize. “I’m sorry,” I tell her, reaching up and grabbing both of her shoulders. “It’s been a long week and you know I don’t love getting snuck up on, especially in here.”

Billie nods, looking a little guilty herself. “I know, but I figured you were done since you were cleaning. Besides, you haven’t let me take any other photos for your profile, so I’ve had to resort to busting out my ninja skills.”

Nodding, I remove my leather apron and hang it up on the wall. “Tell you what. How about we have fun with JJ tonight, and after he’s down we can talk more about the dating profile.” I don’t love the idea of finally filling it out, but I do enjoy spending time with Billie, and if this is the best way to go about getting more of that, so be it.

“Yay,” she exclaims. Her lithe body shimmies and I try to ignore the way my body heats at the movement. It’s a skill I have yet to perfect, but I keep trying.

Once we’ve locked up the workshop and the store, we head up to our apartment to prepare for our incoming guest. After a long shower to wash off the work week, I dress and come out of my room to find that Maya and Jake have already taken off and see JJ playing with the set of blocks I made him a while back. Billie looks over at me from her spot next to our nephew on the floor. “I’m trying to show Little J how to build a fashion runway for his dinosaurs, but he insists on making a fort for them to tear down.” She looks back at the boy next to her and ruffles his hair. “Maybe I’ll have to take you on a shopping spree like your uncle so that you can appreciate the finer points of the fashion industry.”

Crouching down next to them, I give her a wry look as I place another block on the fort. “I don’t think I have a deeper appreciation for fashion, though I will admit that wearing clothes that fit is a nice change.”

Billie’s gaze rakes over my more snugly fitting shirt, her eyes leaving a trail of heat in their wake. “I agree,” she says. Her voice is sultry, but she coughs so maybe it was a throat issue. That seems far more likely that her having the hots for me, so I move past it as best I can.

Plopping down next to my nephew, I bump him lightly with my elbow. “So, J. Do you want to keep building a fort, paint, or make pizzas?”

JJ looks thoughtful for a moment before he stands unexpectedly, knocking over his fort as he rushes into the kitchen yelling, “Pizza.”

Billie turns to me with laughter in her eyes. “I guess we’re doing pizza.”

“I’d say so.” I stand and reach down to help her up, pulling a little harder than necessary so that she ends up closer to me when she stands. “Sorry about that.”

Billie swallows. “No worries.” She walks over to the kitchen and I make a concerted effort not to let my eyes linger on the way her pants cling to her firm ass or the way her tank top shows off her full breasts. “Okay, J. What do you want on your pizza? We have mushrooms, olives, peppers…”

“Cheese,” he shouts, slapping his hands on the counter.

Billie smiles at him and pats his small hands. “I guess you save all your imagination for your building and not your meals.” She opens the fridge and pulls out the sauce and toppings while I start to divvy up the dough we made at lunchtime.

“You’re one to talk. What was it you made for dessert, rice pudding? How is rice a dessert?” I tease as I pass a piece of dough for her to roll out.

“Whatever,” she says, patting the dough and passing it to JJ. She helps him top it with exactly what he wants, just mozzarella cheese, before putting it on a baking sheet. “You’re going to be eating some crow as well after you try it and discover how amazing it is.”

An hour later, the three of us are watching Daniel Tiger and learning about food allergies while eating the dessert Billie made. JJ downed it quickly, and while it’s not my favorite, the cinnamon does add a nice flavor. As I take another spoonful, Billie looks over at me with a triumphant grin plastered on her face. “So, are you ready for that serving of crow or what?”

Shaking my head, I roll my eyes at her as I eat. “I still stand by what I said about this not being a dessert, but it’s not as bad as I thought it would be.” I take another bite and hum in pleasure. “I think I’ll really start to get into it when I’m ninety and no longer have all my original teeth.” Billie grabs a throw pillow and tosses it at my head. It narrowly misses before tumbling to the ground. “Such violence in front of the impressionable youth? I’m appalled.”

Billie chuckles and smiles before turning her attention back to the show. Once it’s finished and we’ve gotten JJ all ready for bed, I walk him over to my room but notice Billie hesitating in the doorway. Turning to my nephew, I point at the pile of books I laid out for him near his travel bed. “Why don’t you pick out a book to read for me, bud?” He toddles off and does as I ask as I turn my attention to Billie. “What’s up?”

She shrugs a shoulder, looking a little self-conscious. “I don’t want to make him uncomfortable so close to bedtime.” She peers around me and smiles wistfully at him. “He’s warming up to me, but I’m not sure he’ll be down with me intruding on his routine.” Shaking my head at her, I grab her arm and drag her into the room. JJ holds up a Little Blue Truck board book and waves it excitedly. I take it from him and smile at the woman next to me. “Would you like Billie to read this to you?”

JJ gets shy all of a sudden, but he nods his head. “Pwease, Biw-ee,” he says.

She gasps lightly and clutches her hand to her chest. “Oh, my god, I think I just ovulated,” she whispers. I chuckle as she takes a seat on the edge of the bed and smile when JJ climbs into her lap and snuggles in close. Billie could have anyone eating out of the palm of her hand if she wanted them to, but it seems she’s a little more doubtful of herself with the people closest to her. There’s no reason for her to be—if anything, we can tell how great she is better than any stranger ever could.

Billie starts to read to JJ as I lean against the wall and watch the two of them, slipping my phone out of my pocket after a minute to snap a few photos to send to her later, knowing how much she’ll appreciate it. When she’s done, she looks up at me expectantly. “What now?”

Crouching in front of the two of them, I smile up at her but direct my response to JJ. “What do we normally do right before bed, bud?”

“Lullaby,” he exclaims happily.