Three Months Later
The weather on Valentine’s Day in Starlight Lake can go one of two ways. It’s either cold, or unbearably cold. Unfortunately, it’s the latter for mine and Jake’s first time celebrating the holiday together. Even at midday, the temperature is in single digits. As cold as it is, though, it’s still the best Valentine’s Day I have ever had. The day started off well with Jake and me taking a shower together at the apartment. It was close quarters, but we made it work as we got each other off as quietly as possible as to not disturb our two roommates as they slept. We’ve been looking to get a bigger place, but real estate in Starlight Lake can be tricky since there isn’t a lot of new construction going on, especially in the dead of winter. Still, we’ve managed to make it work, though having to go back to the old sock on the doorknob trick with my brother was a bit weird. To his credit, Carter never brings it up, simply takes JJ for a car ride or to the library until I text him the all-clear. It’s not a perfect system, but it works for now.
After our antics in the shower this morning, Jake went off to work at the office share a few blocks down from Hodgepodge for a couple of hours. It works out well because he doesn’t have to pay for a whole office and he’s close enough to come have lunch with JJ and me. His work is going well, though he hopes to be able to cut down on working even the few hours on weekends. The other day I asked him if he wished he had his old schedule back, and he looked at me like I’d sprouted another head. “Not if it means I don’t have you,” he had said. Then he kissed me until I was certain his words were true.
After he was done with work, Jake brought me a dozen roses before taking me out to lunch. Carter took over in the shop and watched JJ so we could spend some time together. I feel a little bad asking my brother to babysit all the time, but he insists he loves it and wants to give Jake and me as much time together as possible. My brother really is the most thoughtful guy, and I hope he finds a person of his own soon. He won’t admit it, but I know Carter wants to be in a relationship, he’s just afraid to try. I get it, relationships are tough, but even dealing with three years of uncertainty was worth it to have what I do now. A man who loves me and a wonderful little boy who is the apple of our eyes.
Lunch was as romantic as possible for having eaten at Fran’s Place. Business owners from up and down the block insisted on coming over a little too often to visit with Jake and me. I love all the people in the community, but I was hoping for more privacy. Mercifully, we’re alone now, driving around in the car and taking in the scenic views of the town. Looking at our joined hands resting on the center console, I smile and give Jake’s a squeeze. “Thanks for today. I can’t say I have a whole lot of experience with Valentine’s Day, but this was definitely a good one.”
Jake pulls my hand up to his to kiss it. “It’s about to get even better,” he tells me. There is a slightly nervous expression on his face as he pulls into a driveway.
My eyes peer out the window and widen as I look at the same house I spent most of my life in. “Jake. What are we doing here?” It’s still the same sad color it was the last time I saw it, and if this is some kind of revisit-the-past moment, I’m not sure I’m up for it after seeing how neglected the house has been.
Jake gives me a meaningful look and flips my palm over before dropping a key into it. My eyes widen as they shoot up to his. “Hopefully, righting a wrong and starting a new chapter all at the same time.”
My fingers tighten around the metal of the key, the ridges digging into my skin slightly. “What are you talking about?” I practically whisper, both excited and afraid to know the answer.
“I’ll show you,” he says, exiting the vehicle and coming over to my side to help me out. My legs feel like jelly and my knees are weak, but somehow I manage to make it up the steps to the porch and slip the key inside the lock. What I can’t manage is turning it. I haven’t stepped foot anywhere near this house since we sold it, and I’m not sure I’m strong enough to handle the flood of emotions that’s likely to come along if I do. “I-I can’t.”
Jake places one hand over mine and cups my face with the other. “If you really can’t, we can turn around and I will sell this place and we can buy something else.” He looks deeply into my eyes and I see how much he cares and how he would absolutely turn around and sell a house he specifically bought just for me. “But I think you’re strong enough to face whatever it is you’re afraid of, and I know how much this house means to you.”
“It did … it does mean a lot to me,” I stammer out. He’s right. If I don’t at least look around, I’ll regret it. “Okay.” After taking a deep breath, I unlock the door and step inside. My eyes move around the space, noting what’s changed. It’s not dank and dusty like I imagined it would be, but it does look a little different. A few paint colors here and some new light fixtures there are all signs that the house is not what it used to be, but instead of making me sad, I’m happy that someone came in and made this house their own, gave it life when I wasn’t able to. Now, I can do the same. Turning to Jake, I grasp his hand and hold it tightly. “Thank you for this. I can’t believe you bought it. I didn’t even know it was for sale.”
He shrugs a shoulder. “It wasn’t,” he admits, looking at me sheepishly. “Turns out when you offer a good deal of money over the current value, people are pretty motivated to sell.” I open my mouth to protest the expense, but Jake silences me with a knowing look. “It’s just money, Maya. Something we still have plenty of, and not anywhere near an amount that would ever put us in a position to lose this place again.”
“Okay.” The words whoosh out of me along with any anxiety I was feeling. Jake shared the state of his finances with me, so I know he’s good for the money. Still, it’s hard to break the habit of worrying about what things cost when you’ve had to for a good number of years. I release his hand and walk into the family room, running my hand along the wood mantel my father created, dipping my fingers along the woodland scene he carved into the front. “Jake, you have to come see this.”
When I spin around to look for him, he’s already right in front of me, but he isn’t standing, he’s down on one knee. A small gasp escapes my mouth we he reaches for my hand. “Maya, my beautiful, amazing, magical Maya. I love you with every part of me and I always will. I never want to spend another moment without you or our son. I want us to be a family. Officially.” He smiles nervously. “Will you marry me?”
Nodding through the happy tears, I finally manage to squeak out a “yes” as he slips a sapphire engagement ring on my finger. Jake stands and gathers me into his arms. “I love you so much,” I tell him before reaching up to kiss him, putting all the love and affection I feel for him into it. “I’m so glad I made that wish.”
Jake smiles and brushes his lips against mine. “I’m glad it came true,” he says.
Even though the road to our happily ever after was a rocky one, I wouldn’t have it any other way because it led us to this moment. A moment I will remember for the rest of my life.
The End
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