Her lower lip trembles and she looks like she’s going to cry. “But Daddy can’t take care of me like you can.”

Charlotte's eyes lock onto mine, and it's like looking into a well of loneliness. It breaks something inside me, thinking about her mom, wherever she might be. I don’t really know anything about the situation or even if Jake was ever married to Charlotte’s mother, but does Charlotte ever see her? They have to have some kind of joint custody.

I swallow the lump in my throat and adjust the collar of Charlotte’s nightgown. She looks so small and helpless I really don’t have it in me to tell her no. My class won’t be happy, but Danielle will cover for me while I stay here.

"Okay. I'll stay until you're feeling better."

Charlotte's face brightens instantly, and I'm struck by how much she resembles Jake when she smiles. "Really? You mean it? The whole week?"

"Well…I don’t know about the whole week.”

She holds her stomach dramatically. “But what if I have the flu?”

“I’ll stay until you feel better. Now, go watch some TV on the couch. I’ll be there soon."

She gives me a quick hug, then dashes off. I remain kneeling on the floor, emotions swirling through me. What have I gotten myself into here? I care too damn much about both of them.

Jake is really not going to like me trying to extend my stay. But how can I leave Charlotte like this?

Standing, I grab my phone off the nightstand. I pull out my phone, my thumb hovering over Danielle's contact. The kids should be at recess by now, while I'm here, a world away from my crayon-scented classroom. I’m not sure Danielle will like subbing for longer. What if I really do end up staying the week?

I hit the call button and then wait. Here goes nothing.

Kids are shrieking in the background when Danielle answers."Hey Ellie! What's up? Did you have a good weekend?" Her tone is way too suggestive. “I’m assuming you did since you’re not here yet. Who’s the guy?”

I sit on the bed and start playing with the zipper on my luggage. Considering I was preoccupied this weekend, I haven’t yet told her about the duplex situation. I only messaged her yesterday that I needed her to sub this morning, promising to fill her in later. Guess that means now. “Um…so…I’ll give you the short version…”

I tell her about the duplex and that I’m staying on a ranch with “a friend” and that my “friend” is sick and needs me. Then I try to finish with, “Any chance you can cover my class for the rest of the week? I probably won’t need to stay that long, but just in case.”

Danielle doesn’t respond, more shrieking kids floating through the phone.

“Hello?” I finally ask.

“You don’t have any friends who live on ranches.”

“Y-Yes I do.”

“Who is it?”

I grimace since she can’t see me. My face is with guilt. Lying to Danielle is the last thing I want to do, but I can't tell her the truth. If my brother finds out about this, he'll blow a gasket. “A friend.”

She lets out a strong puff of air. “Oh, you’re hiding something. It’s terrible what happened to your apartment and I’m so glad you’re okay but…Wait, are Jake and his daughter okay?”

“I…Yes. I mean, I haven’t talked to him, them. They weren’t home at the time, thankfully.”

“Ellie. Why did your voice rise in pitch?”

My voice rises higher beyond my control. “It didn’t.” Danielle gasps and I’m assuming something just clicked in her head. Before she can speak, I say quickly, “I don’t know what you think is happening, but I’m begging you, please don't ask any questions. You have to swear you won't tell anyone about whatever you’re thinking. My brother cannot hear any rumors, got it?”

She giggles like a schoolgirl. "Alright, I swear. But you're killing me here! I expect details when you're back. And don't worry about your class. I've got it covered."

"Thanks, you're a lifesaver. I owe you one." I end the call before she can ask anything else, feeling a mix of relief and guilt churning in my stomach. Danielle will let our supervisors know of my absence so everything with work is good to go.

One problem down, now onto the next: convincing Jake to let me stay.

I head outside into the bright morning sun, a stark contrast to the dimly lit guest room I've just left behind. The grass is still wet with dew, and the earthy scent of the ranch fills my senses. But nothing prepares me for the sight that greets me near the stables.

Jake, shirtless, his muscles moving in a rhythmic dance as he tosses bales of hay with such ease it's almost indecent. His skin glistens with sweat, sticking to him like an extra layer, and the veins on his arms stand out, a roadmap of strength that has me momentarily forgetting why I'm here. He's wearing a pair of worn jeans that fit him just right, and there's something about the way he grips the pitchfork that sets my imagination on fire. Especially since I watched him grip something else multiple times Saturday, showing me how much he wanted me and just couldn’t wait.