"No, it's..." I look up at him, touching his hand that's on my shoulder. "Sorry, I'm just a bit overwhelmed. Where are my manners? Thank you. Thank you for covering the hole and...for just being here." My eyes get misty so I turn away.
"You sure I can't call Olivia?"
I shake my head. "Marcus said he'd pick me up, so I'll just wait here."
"Just don't go inside. It's not structurally safe. But I can grab you a few things. Anything you want me to get?"
I give him a soft smile, a real one this time. He might look like a mountain man who wrestles bears for fun, but he's always had a soft spot for those in trouble. He was always like that, even when we were teenagers and I got irritated at him for always eating the last of my favorite cereal.
"Could you just grab my laptop, some clothes, and a box of keepsakes? Laptop and clothes are in my bedroom. Box is in the hallway closet. Everything else..." I shrug. "It can wait."
"Consider it done." He turns towards the wreckage, then looks back at me. "You gonna be okay?"
"Define okay," I shoot back with a half-hearted chuckle, but Asher's already heading inside.
A little while later, I'm sitting on the curb next to some luggage that Asher managed to pack for me. There's a police car still here, but the fire truck and Asher are gone. Marcus is taking forever to pick me up, but I understand his job is unpredictable like that. I really don't want to stay with him, though—I got enough of living with him while we grew up together. We drove each other crazy growing up under the same roof.
Glancing at the remains of my duplex, I contemplate my limited options for temporary housing. I could call Danielle, but I don't want to get in the way of her dating life, which has been pretty active lately. Besides that, my other option is a hotel. But with the expense plus needing to buy a new car, it doesn't seem practical. Still, it may be better than the alternatives.
As I'm weighing the choices, an unfamiliar black SUV pulls up, the driver rolling down his window. "Ms. Carter?"
"Um...yes?" Well, this is strange. I glance at the cop car, happy it's still here in case this guy is a creep.
The window rolls back up. A moment later, a man in a suit walks around the front of the car. He smiles warmly at me. "Hi. I'm here to pick you up."
I stare for a moment, my mouth hanging open. "Pick me up?"
"Yes, miss."
"For what? I didn't order a car...Oh, did Marcus send you?" I didn't think he had it in him to send a fancy car with a driver, but sometimes he surprises me.
"No, miss. Jake Wilder asked me to pick you up. I'm his driver."
His what?
I must look completely lost and confused because the man chuckles and reaches for my luggage. "Shall I put these in the back?"
I'm still so shocked that I just nod and go along. Why or how does Jake have a personal chauffeur? Jake's always been Mr. Practicality, counting pennies and planning for Charlotte's future. I also know that firefighters don't make a ton of money, so...How does a private driver fit into that picture?
The driver already has my things loaded in the car as I'm barely standing up. "Wait. Where are we going?" I ask.
"To Mr. Wilder's ranch. He’s inviting you to stay with him. Shall we go?"
I nod mindlessly. "Ranch...right."
Now Jake has a ranch? I really don't know what reality I slipped into, but my body moves on its own accord, propelled by sheer exhaustion and a nagging curiosity about Jake—there's clearly a lot I don't know about that man. And I really want to find out.
Quickly, I send Marcus a text to tell him I'm staying at a hotel for the night, sensing that he'd totally flip if he knew I was staying with Jake. Then I climb into the SUV, wondering what I'm about to get myself into.
Chapter 8
Ipull up to the main house on my ranch, putting my truck in park to sit here for a moment. The house is all clean lines and modern architecture, with floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the pastures and riding arena. A testament to the millions my old man left me when he passed. As I stare at the sprawling ranch house and stables that make up my family's legacy, my heart's hammering a beat that's too damn quick. The place hasn't changed, but everything suddenly feels different.
Ellie is on my property.
I glance over at the guest house where she's staying. My driver gave her a quick tour and helped her get settled, then he called me to say she'd accepted my offer. Only, I'm not ready to face her yet. I'm trapped inside this metal cage, lost in thoughts of the past weeks.