Page 87 of Aydin

“In my mind, we underestimate Addison and think she’s just some daughter of a rich politician.”

“She has more goals and ambition,” Nasir continued my statement.

“Right, she likes to play dumb, but I doubt her father is aware how far she’s down the rabbit hole.”

“Then let’s inform him.”

“We can do more than that.”

“I think you’re on to something.” Nasir grinned.

“Tell the media.”

“Get all news stations with the story.”

“Wouldn’t that cause Addison to get scared and run?” Nicco challenged.

“Not if she needs something,” Nasir answered.

“She hasn’t left the state. We have the airports tracked. Nothing in Chicago.”

“So, we’re sitting ducks?” Nicco inquired.

“No, we monitor the money, and the press will do the work for us.”

“Show Addison in a light she’s not used to so that the public will turn on her.”

“She’ll have no choice but to make an appearance.”

“Then we’ll have the upper hand, and she’ll return Amelia,” I said.

“While she’s scrambling for cover.”

“We track her movements and find her,” I answered.

The team made the necessary calls, and I left the conference room back to my office and opened the door to the surprise of my father and brothers.

“What happened?”

“We wanted to check on you.” Wesley stood and reached his arms out for a hug.

“Thanks, I’ll be fine.” I released him.

“You look like you haven’t slept,” Josiah mentioned, and I yawned at that moment because I’d been up all night, driving through the town and places I thought Addison would be.

“I can’t sleep until she’s back home.”

“Any updates?” Dad wanted to know.

“None that pan out.”

Wesley sat in the chair in front of my desk.

“I have the police on the case. If you need anything, let me know.”


“She’s tough,” Dad said.