Page 85 of Aydin

I dialed Nicco’s number and ran out of the office with Nasir alongside me. We saw Eloise walk out of the kitchen.

“Addison just called,” Eloise said, causing us to pause.

“What did you say?”

“Aydin! Aydin!” Nicco yelled my name over the line.

“She told me to tell you something, but I don’t understand what it means.”

“Just tell us.” Nasir faced her.

“She said you won’t miss her,” Eloise repeated the message, and something inside me knew Addison had acted on her warning to Tristan.

“Aydin! Aydin!” I looked down at the phone and remembered Nicco on the other end.

“What you got?” I shifted toward the door and walked out, going to the driver’s side of the car.

“Let me drive. You’re not thinking clearly.” Nasir tapped me on the back.

“I went to your place, and she wasn’t there. I tried to call her but no answer,” Nicco explained.

“Where was the guard I put on her?” I slammed the door, smashing a hand on top of the dashboard.

“He said she ditched him.”


“Calm down, Aydin. We’ll find her.” Nasir tried to reassure me.

“Did you try her parents?” I questioned. Nasir started the car, pushed on the gas, and sped out of the driveway.

“They hadn’t heard from her either.”

“When was the last time you spoke to her?” Nasir probed.

I closed my eyes and thought back on our last conversation at dinner.

“We had dinner a few days after our last visit in Chicago.”

“Let me see the phone.” Nasir held out his hand.

“Nicco, get everyone assembled in the office. I want this a priority.”

“Nicco, get Senator Edgar’s last known phone records sent over to me,” Nasir demanded, and I rubbed my hands together. If something happened to Amelia, that thought would have me ready to do something I wouldn’t regret.

“We’re on our way back.” I ended the call.

“I know you’re ready to kill, my brother, but I need you to be clear and not confused.”


“You’re in love, and that can be a dangerous thing.”

“She emailed back and forth with Tristan about Amelia.”

“You think she would be stupid enough to follow through?”

“With Addison, anything is possible.”