“I don’t know.”
“Did he hurt you?”
“No, it was a misunderstanding.” I pushed forward and dropped everything on the conveyor belt to check out.
All the staff was gone for the day, and I stayed to finish adding new client information into the computer. I tried to not make it a habit to be the last person in the building, but in my new position, I wanted to make a big impression. When I was finished, I grabbed my badge and waved to the janitor. Molly was still out for her wedding and was expected back in a few weeks. I debated if I should call her to update her on what had been going on. I slipped onto the elevator and pushed to go down a level to Tristan’s office. I saw his door was closed.
I checked the doorknob and saw it was open. Pushing forward, I closed it behind me and shut the blinds. Strolling to the desk, I turned on his personal computer and noticed it wasn’t password protected. I went to his search history and noticed a lot of articles on Addison, TN Security, and me. Most of his work was organized alphabetically, and I started to read when the door was nudged open.
“What are you doing in here?” the janitor asked.
Jamal was in his late fifties with a wife and grandkids. We’d had lunch a few times, and he walked me to my car if I ever worked late.
“I forgot some files with Tristan, and I needed to get them before my meetings.” I turned the computer off and rose out of the chair.
“Tristan knows you come in here?”
“He forgot to send me them before he left. You know how you men are.”
I laughed, and Jamal chuckled and left the office. I locked the door and released a long-held breath.
Once in my car, security was behind me, and I told them I was taking the freeway to get back to Dani’s place faster. I turned the music up, bopping my head when my cell rang. Dani’s name scrolled across, and I answered.
“On my way to your place.”
“How many nights are you going to work late?”
“Things are busy at the office.”
“Sounds like it, and your mom told me to tell you to call her tomorrow.”
“When did she call me?”
“Your phone’s been off.”
“I’m sorry. After my lunch, I needed to focus and catch up on work.”
“Security still following you?”
I looked out the side mirror and saw the lights from the car. It looked like they were extremely close, but they probably didn’t want anyone to get between us.
“Yes but let me get off this phone so I can concentrate on traffic.”
“Be safe and see you soon.”
We hung up.
My car suddenly made a noise, but I was lucky to be close to the off ramp. I put on my turn signal and prepared to get off the freeway when my car stopped. I was able to get it to the side of the road. Rolling my window down, I waved to the security about what was happening. Rory finally told me his name after a week of not speaking because Aydin told them I wasn’t to have any conversation beside my schedule of the day. He leaned down in my window.
“Ahhhhh!” I screamed at the blood from the hole in his head, removed the seatbelt, and crawled to the passenger side of the car to climb out on my back.