“Talk to her.”
“I’ll try,” Dani said.
Two days later.
Aydin had no clue who Addison was after, but I’d been fine with no supervision for the past thirty-five years of my life and didn’t need a babysitter now. Right now, I was on my way to my parents’ home for dinner and planned on keeping my routine the same. I’d sent Nasir all the information I had found, got the locksmith to add double locks to my apartment, and spoke with the apartment building about anyone coming and going who asked about me. Everyone was overreacting that Addison wanted to hurt me. She was too far into appearances and if her reputation came across that she was involved in something illegal, the entire family would have put a stop to her dealings. Scandal in politics wasn’t a good look. After I parked, I unlocked the door and waved at my mom’s neighbor Mrs. Winters. The entire Winters family was close to our family and watched me when I was younger. Plus, I played with their daughter in middle school before she moved out of state after high school.
I knocked on the door, and Mom opened it with a phone up to her ear as usual. She reached out for a hug, and I shut the door behind me.
“Who are you gossiping with?”
I rolled my eyes.
“Tell her to stay out of my business please.”
“All right, Dani. Let me call you back.”
I followed her to the couch and sat. I pushed my purse on the table and slipped out of my shoes. Cassandra Edwards worked at the postal office, and my dad worked for a grocery store in the executive department. He’d been there before I even was born and started out as a bagboy.
“Where’s Dad?” I removed my jacket.
“On his way home.”
“What did you cook?”
She studied me.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“When were you going to tell us?”
“Tell you what?”
“Amelia, don’t play with me, little girl.”
“What did Dani tell you?”
“Somebody is trying to kill you.”
I chuckled.
“Ma, Dani watches too much Law and Order.”
“Then you tell me.”
“It’s not a big deal.”
“Let me and your father worry if we think it’s a big deal or not.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Dani said your boss wants you to have protection.” She sat next to me on the couch.
“He’s overreacting. I overhead something, and I didn’t know if it was serious or not.”