Page 26 of Aydin

“Wait! I want to apologize to you.” Aydin reached out to stop me. I peered at his hand on my wrist and back up to his eyes. He took a step back to put space between us.

“For firing me?” I quizzed.

“Nasir brought it to my attention I was being too hard on you.”

“The correct term was asshole,” Nasir rushed to say, and Aydin moved toward him, and Nasir held his hands up to surrender.

“I was wrong, and you’re not fired,” Aydin bluntly replied and hoped I got the hint.

“Thank you. I need to get back to work.” I went to leave.

“There’s something else you forgot,” Nasir said.

“It can wait,” I answered.

“No, it can’t, especially if what you heard is true.” Nasir rose out of his seat.

Aydin looked from Nasir to me.

“Should I be filled in on this conversation?” His brows sank into a scowl.

“He didn’t believe it, so I doubt you will.” I was going to figure out Addison’s situation on my own.

“Let me decide before you just assume.” Aydin waited for me to speak. I let out a long-held breath, shut the door behind me, and replayed the conversation I heard to Aydin.

“I didn’t see, but I remembered her voice from earlier.”

Both men looked at me blankly.

“So, you heard her say kill.”

“Yes, and some guy told her he wouldn’t go that far.”

“And you never saw either of them?”

“You don’t have to pretend. If you don’t believe me, that’s fine.” I crossed my arms under my breasts.

“I told her that we’d need more information before we could do anything. She never saw their faces,” Nasir explained, giving his same thoughts from earlier.

“See, you don’t believe it. She’s a long-time client, and I’m new. Understandable.”

I threw my hands up and turned to head back to my office, but I stopped in my tracks when I saw Addison sitting at my desk.

“Hello.” I strolled to my desk, and she sat back and smiled.

“Amelia Edwards.” Addison stood and extended a hand for a shake.

“And you’re Addison Chatsworth. We’ve met.” Her smirk fell, and she stepped around me to grab a pen off my desk. Addison came across very spoiled and entitled, that we should all bow down and give into anything she wants.

She tapped the pen on the desk.

“That’s right, I caught you in the office with my boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend. Who’s your boyfriend?”

“Aydin. Did I not make it clear last night?” She sat in the chair in front of my desk. Aydin made it clear he wasn’t in a relationship, especially with her.

“You did, but is there something you needed specifically?”