I noticed Amelia walk in with David, dressed in a ball gown.
“I need to check on something.” I inspected her hand on my arm, and she removed it a second later. I stalked over to Amelia and her date to talk to Jimmy when I approached.
“Hey, boss, look who showed up.” Jimmy pointed at Amelia.
“Dennis, you don’t mind if I talk to Amelia, do you?”
“It’s David,” he replied, and I ignored him, reaching for Amelia’s hand, and walked off to have privacy.
“Mr. Reeve!” She clenched her hands at her sides.
“I told you to call me Aydin.”
“But, sir.”
I looked in the vacant hall, pushed the first door I saw open, and pulled her inside, then locked it for privacy.
“I told Nasir not to invite you here.”
“I… I…” she stuttered.
“What are you doing with him?”
“Mr.—” The words half-died in her throat.
I held my hand to stop her from continuing.
“It’s Aydin.” I let my gaze wander slowly down her body.
“Aydin, I thought it would be fine to bring a plus one”
“Stay out of my way.”
“Nasir said it would be a good thing for me to come to get a hang of things.”
“I don’t have time to watch you and my client.”
“I’m a big girl. I think I can handle myself.”
Her eyes stared back at me, and I felt an overwhelming guilt that I’d ignored her since she started at the office, but I knew deep down it wasn’t good to have these types of thoughts.
“You couldn’t even handle a mugging.” I caught myself before I went further, but the damage was already done.
Knock! Knock!
“Aydin! Aydin!” Addison shouted through the door. I reached out, unlocked the door to a red-faced Addison, and Nasir smirking behind her.
“What do you need, Addison?”
“Why are you in the office with this woman?” Addison tried to step inside. I blocked her with my hand.
“I need to get back to my date.” Amelia blurted out, and I wanted to punch Nasir in the face.
“Addison, I’ll be out in a minute. Amelia, you stay.” I tried to close the door, and Addison stuck her foot out to block me.
“I didn’t pay to have someone else guard me tonight! We need to talk about our relationship,” Addison said, and I tightened my fist on the doorknob.
“Nasir, take Addison back to the party. We’ll talk later,” I told her and closed the door.