Page 57 of Aydin


“This is your house, Aydin. You have to give your input.”

Ever since we kissed, it wasn’t talked about again, but the tension was there. The desire between my thighs every night when we went to bed in opposite directions caused me to bring out my little pink toy at night. I tried to be quiet as much as possible, but I knew he heard me a time or two. The grumpiness came out the other day when I asked Nicco if he wanted coffee for breakfast. He said as long as it was creamy and sweet. The look in Aydin’s eyes was one of a man ready to kill, and the joke was innocent.

“Both, Amelia.” He pushed the cart forward, and I grabbed both packages and tossed them in the cart.

“See, all you have to do is give in to me the first time, and we wouldn’t have these problems.”

“You think so.”

“Nicco, what do you think?”

“I’m out of this conversation.” Nicco held his hands up in mock surrender.

“Why?” I pouted, poking my lip out.

“Because Aydin will kill me if I answer wrong.”

I saw Aydin’s left eye twitch, and I giggled.

“Ignore him, Nicco. I’m the boss.”

“He knows, and that’s the problem,” Nicco joked, and I slapped hands with him. Aydin pushed the cart forward and ignored us. I ran to catch up and lock my arm around his. He looked over at me and winked.

“You’re too easy,” I said.

“Coming from you, the spoiled brat.”

“You made me this way.” I stuck my tongue out.

“That tongue is going to get you in trouble.”

“Says who?”

“Me.” He leaned and kissed me on the top of my head.

“We need vegetables and some fruit for my morning smoothie.”

He stopped at the veggie aisle.

After we packed our cart and headed to the register, I tried to pay with my card, and Aydin pushed my hand to the side.

“What are you doing?”

“You’re not paying.”

“Aydin, I live rent free in your home. I have to pull my weight.”

“You do when you cook and do your job at the office.”

“But I could do more.”

“That’s enough, I’m paying.” He handed the cashier his card, and they bagged the groceries and loaded up the car. He opened my door and walked around to hop in the driver’s seat.

“My parents just texted me and said to bring wine.”

He started the car, turned, and drove back in the opposite direction to the liquor store. Reggie and Nicco followed in another SUV, and I sat back to let the silence clear my head. Not sure if the right time was now or if I should wait, but I knew secrets weren’t good to be kept between us.