Page 65 of Refuel

“She hasn’t talked to you since I’ve been with her, so I suggest you leave, bro.”

Freddie chuckled at Kamden’s statement.

“And if I don’t?” Freddie questioned.

“Then we can take this outside,” Kamden told him.

“Kamden, please stop,” I spoke hoarsely, feeling myself getting dizzy.

“All right, you both need to leave. You’re making her blood pressure go up,” the doctor stated as he rechecked my pulse and heart.

“Get off me, man!” Freddie shouted then pushed Kamden until he let go. Kamden pushed him back and swung on him. Malik jumped in the middle of the scuffle, and my dad and older brother tried to pull them apart.

“That’s enough!” Mom screamed, clapping her hands.

“Kamden!” I screamed, and he pushed my brother back.

“Motherfucker, you lost your mind!” Malik shouted, punching Kamden in the face.

“OMG!” I said.

Dad was able to put Freddie out of my room as Kamden and my brother went blow for blow. The nurse called for security and broke everyone up.

“I want everyone out of her room now,” the doctor demanded.

“I’m not leaving,” Mom advised him, her hands on her hips.

I nodded at the doctor to allow her to stay while the rest of my family was asked to go to the waiting room.

“What about the baby?” Kamden loudly questioned.

Shocked by this question, Kamden and I were going to be parents. Do I want a child right now? I thought to myself. We hadn’t used a condom in a while, even though, we had a slip up that one time at my place.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“We can talk about it later, Arianna. You’ve had too much stress,” Mom said.

“No, tell me what’s going on.”

“You’ve been unconscious for the past few days. You came in with a broken hip bone, cuts, bruises, and a head injury. We ran tests, and you’re three weeks pregnant,” the doctor commented. I looked over at Rylee and Essence for confirmation, and they both nodded.

“Ari,” Kamden called my name.

“Tell her, Kamden. She needs to know the rest of the story,” my brother said.

“What else?” I questioned, staring into his eyes. I lay back on the bed, rubbing my temple.

“The car crash wasn’t an accident. It was intentional,” Malik informed me, glaring at Kamden.

“Wait.” I held my hand up.

“Malik, you could have waited to tell her when she was out of the hospital,” Essence insisted.

Kamden grasped my hand, and I snatched it away.

“What are you talking about?” I gritted through my teeth.

Kamden sighed and ran a hand down his face.