Page 61 of Refuel

“Starving, sweetheart,” Kamden said.

“Who is this, sis?” Eddison Jr. asked, sounding just like his son.

“This is my boyfriend, Kamden,” I said.

“Ohhh, you were serious,” Eddison Jr. joked, and I punched him in the arm.

Kamden looked at me, perplexed.

“Ignore him.” I grabbed Kamden’s hand, and we went to eat dinner as a family.

“Don’t eat the mashed potatoes,” Colton whispered low to Kamden.

“Why?” Kamden asked.

“Essence wanted to join, and she made the mashed potatoes. Let’s just say they’re not fully where they need to be,” I stated. Colton and Rylee burst out in laughter when we walked out to the backyard to Essence and Cicely setting the table.

“Hey, Kamden,” Essence called out.

“Nice seeing you, Essence.”

“You too. Try not to get my girl in another fight please, especially when I’m not there,” Essence told him, and I waved her off, putting those events behind me.

“All right, that’s enough. eWe’re having a family dinner,” Mom said.

“Kamden sits here, and Colton is next to Rylee,” I said.

“OMG! You’re Kash Coleman,” Malik’s friend screamed out, jumping up and down before she rushed toward him.

“I am, and you are?” Kamden asked.

“Penny. Can I have a picture?” Penny asked.

“Sure,” Kamden said.

“No!” Malik and I screamed at the same time.

“No pictures tonight, Penny. Sorry, you have to find someone else to harass,” I blurted out.

“Excuse me?” Penny retorted.

“Girl, sit,” Rylee chastised.

Essence and I laughed at Rylee.

“Malik, are you going to let them talk to me like that?” Penny questioned.

“Yeah, Rylee’s like a little sister to me. You act like you’ve never seen a celebrity before,” Malik told her.

“Fine.” Penny pouted and sat.

“EJ, where’s your wife?” I asked.

“She had an event to cater. I said I’d take the kids with me,” he said.

“So, Kamden, what are your intentions with my daughter?” Dad asked.

“Hopefully, to continue dating and see where it takes off. I like to live in the moment and not rush anything,” Kamden said, reaching over and rubbing the top of my palm.