“Aren’t you too famous to hit up the mall like us little people?”
“I’ll wear shades and a hat,” Kamden told me.
“We can do lunch afterwards,” Kamden said.
“Oh, that reminds me. My dad wants you to come over for dinner. No pressure,” I said.
“I can do that, and you can come to dinner with my mom,” Kamden answered.
“You don’t think it’s too early to meet the parents?”
“We both know how short life is for us in this sport. Stop trying to put barriers up, Ari.”
I milked him, and he caught me and blew a kiss through the phone. I laughed, and we continued talking for the next five minutes until Ronald called for him in the background.
“I’ll talk to you later; I need to see what he wants,” Kamden told me.
“Okay. Bye.”
We hung up at the same time, and I relaxed in my seat, staring up at the painting on the wall of a young woman looking out into the ocean. It was called a searcher, and I think I’d been searching all my life for something or someone that could match me in every way. But Kamden was a little different and spontaneous in a way that I didn’t need to worry about him expressing his feelings. His actions showed. Freddie needed me to lead him into his passions, never really showed me love unless it was to complain about something my family did. If you couldn’t stay up and fight for me with my family, then you couldn’t fight for me in the world. I continued working on my next proposal to present to Jackson before it was time for me to leave and head out for the day. Closing out of my computer and grabbing my purse, I walked out of my office and told Tisha I was leaving for the day.
I waved at the coordinator as I parked and stepped out of my car. She recommended the Sofitel Hotel for the dinner afterwards, and I agreed if the space was able to hold the amount of people we were expecting and red carpet.
“Hi, Rylee, Arianna,” Delores said, extending her hand.
“Hi, Delores. Thanks for squeezing this meeting in. I know you’re busy. I won’t keep you long.”
“Hey, D,” Rylee spoke.
“You’re good. This is party number ten we’ve done together. You get the VIP treatment,” Delores stated.
“Thanks, girl.”
The doorman held the door wide for us to go through, and I pulled my shades off to look around at the space.
“This would be the entrance after everyone walks in from the red carpet. They come here for check-in and interviews,” Delores stated.
The layout was gray and white with specks of black and gold. The lobby held a registration station and sitting area with artwork and standing sculptures.
“You said they would give us the pool area, right?” Rylee asked.
“Yep. If guests want to head to the pool area for a nightcap, we’ll have parts of it blocked over the pool for people to dance on top of the pool if they wish.”
“Nice. How many guests for dinner?” I questioned, talking behind her to the meeting manager of the hotel.
“Hi, Arianna. Nice seeing you again, Rylee,” Julia, the manager, said, and Rylee waved hello.
“Hi, Julia. I was wondering if you’ll be able to hold up to a thousand people.”
“We have two rooms we can combine plus the lobby,” Julia told me. I nodded in answer as she opened the party room.
“Okay, this looks good. I’d like to have the decorations match the team colors. Maybe the waiting staff could have ties that match each team,” Rylee advised Delores and Julia.
“Great idea,” Delores said, taking notes.
“I can’t stay long. I have lunch plans, but I trust you, Delores, and I’ll see you at the event.”