The car was rolled out to the track, ready to go, when Josie noticed me and started to walk over. I held my hand up to stop her from dampening my mood.
“Save it, Josie. I’m working, and you know when I’m in the mood to drive,” I said.
“Kamden, it’s not what you think. Ronald was just doing an interview with me,” Josie lied, and I let her continue talking behind my back.
“I don’t care,” I said nonchalantly.
“You used to care!” Josie shouted, shoving me in the arm.
“Exactly, used to. I don’t anymore and have fun with my leftovers, Ronald!” I shouted as he glared at me.
Josie huffed and walked off. I ignored his stare, not wanting to get into a fist fight before the big drive came up. I’d hate to put him on his ass. We used to be close but ever since Josie sank her nails into him, things had changed between us.
“You good?” Tennessee yelled, and I nodded, pushing on the gas, signaling I was ready to go. I took a few laps around the track, pulled over, and turned the ignition off. Leaving the car, I took my helmet off and passed it to Tennessee.
“How’s she running?” he questioned.
“She’s ready,” I stated and smiled, bumping fists with him.
Dinner at my parents was tonight, and I was nervous. It was a day before the big charity race, and my nerves were all over the place. Kamden told me about the Daily Morning Show talking about the fight I was in, and my lawyer got a phone call from a woman talking about suing me. I scoffed at the audacity to try to get money out of me when she was the one who started the fight.
My niece and nephew ran around the room yelling and screaming. Rylee and Colton came over to help smooth any tension in the room if things got out of hand. Both of my brothers came, and Malik brought some new girl I hadn’t met. I doubted he was serious since the second she opened her mouth, it was all about our family and how we lived and being celebrities which we didn’t claim to be. Jackson had bodyguards if he was taking the family on a trip, because he was well-known out of the country. The door rang, and I jumped up and ran to the door, pushing my nephew behind me. I let out a deep breath and opened the door to Kamden holding a bouquet of flowers. I smiled, moved to the side to let him in, and reached over for a kiss.
“You made it on time.”
“I told you I would,” Kamden said.
“Who are you?” my nephew asked as he pointed at Kamden with his thumb in his mouth.
“Major, this is my friend Kamden.” I bent down until I was eye level with my nephew.
Kamden did the same and stuck his hand out toward Major.
“Hi, Major. I’m Kamden.”
Major grinned with a wide smile and shook Kamden’s hand. We stood, and I took the flowers out of his hand.
“Kamden, you didn’t run?” Rylee joked.
“Rylee, stop scaring the boy,” Mom said.
“That’s okay, Mrs. Pierce. I don’t scare easily,” Kamden stated and winked at me. I blushed, covering my face with my hands. He reached over and pulled me into his chest.
“How are you, Kamden?” Mom asked.
“I’m good. Ready for the big race,” Kamden replied. His eyes lifted when my father walked into the living room from the back. Cicely even came over to help my mom set up dinner for tonight.
“Mr. Pierce,” Kamden said, extending his hand for a shake. I watched my father look at his hand, glance over at me, then back to Kamden.
“Kamden, nice to see you again,” Dad said as he returned the shake.
I let a long-held breath go and relaxed.
“Are you ready for dinner?” I asked.