Page 46 of Refuel

“For your information, Josie, Freddie is not in my life. Even if he was, that’s none of your business or Kamden’s for that matter,” I spat as I grabbed my purse and dropped Kamden’s hand to walk out before I further embarrassed myself over a lover’s quarrel when he wasn’t even my man.

“Arianna, don’t walk away from me,” Kamden told me as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest.

“Where are you going?” Kamden whispered in my ear.


“I’m going with you.”

“Fine, then hurry up with your little friend. If you’re not out in two minutes, I will leave without you,” I spat.

“And I’ll find you. Stop with the attitude,” he stated, kissing behind my ear.

He released me and smacked me on the ass. I rolled my eyes and left behind Essence laughing at me as I rubbed the sting out of my ass.

“That wasn’t funny,” I said, blocking the flashes of the cameras.

“Over here, Arianna! Over here!” a member of the paparazzi requested.

“How was dinner with your boyfriend, Arianna?” a second reporter in flip flops and a cell phone probed.

“Dinner with friends, that’s all,” I replied, waiting for the car. I focused on Essence as they surrounded me.

“Come on, Arianna, tell us the truth,” the first paparazzi wearing an FMZ shirt and wide-lens camera taunted.

“Here’s your car, ma’am,” the valet stated to Essence. I ran to the passenger side of the car, jumping inside, lowering the seat back to hide.

“Take me home, please,” I said.

“What about your man? He just walked out looking around for you,” she questioned and honked her horn.


Kamden tapped the window for me to roll it down.

“I’ll follow behind you, Essence,” Kamden said.

“I can just text you her address,” Essence said.

I jerked back in shock.

“Uhm, what makes you think I want my address given out?” I questioned.

“You should remind me next time before I hear you moaning because of him,” Essence remarked, taking the car out of park and heading toward my house. I peered through the side mirror and noticed Kamden driving in his car behind us.

Essence parked in my driveway, leaving the car running.

“Are you coming inside?” I asked, unbuckling my seatbelt, and opened the door.

“Nope, I’m heading to find a man to slide on top of.”

“How am I not surprised?” I said.

“Says the girl who smells like sex. That bathroom soap didn’t work, boo.” Essence smirked.

I just shook my head, closed the door, and turned to find Kamden waiting on my doorstep. Trudging toward my house, I pulled my keys out and stayed silent. Hearing Lucky barking, I stepped inside and bent down to pick him up.

“You missed me, baby?” I asked, rubbing his stomach.