“Isn’t this a small world?” Josie said.
“Uhm, can we move to another table?” I asked the hostess.
“Sure, of course,” the hostess said.
Kamden jumped up to stop me.
“Ari, it’s not what you think,” he said.
“Essence, come on,” I said, ignoring Kash.
“Kash, leave her alone. She’s not worth it,” Josie spat, and I turned around and pointed my finger in her face.
“Josie, if you want to keep your pretty little face, you’ll keep my name out of your mouth.”
“Are you threatening me?” Josie leaned back and folded her arms across her chest.
“You’re not even worth it.” I waved her off and tried to walk past, but Kash grabbed my hand.
“Kamden, let me go, please,” I requested nicely.
“No, we need to talk,” he responded.
“Nothing to talk about. Enjoy your date with your girlfriend, Kash,” I replied.
“Fine, I will,” he said and released my hand. I started to turn, when he all of a sudden bent down and picked me up over his shoulder. The timing was the worst because flashes went off from outside.
“OMG! Put me down, Kash,” I said, slapping him on his back.
“It’s Kamden. I told you that, Ari, plenty of times,” he replied and pushed open the women’s bathroom and walked in, not caring if anyone saw us.
“Are you crazy?!” I shouted when he put me down, and I poked him in his chest.
“You know the answer to that already, Ari,” he said.
“Ughh! You get on my nerves,” I said and stomped off toward the door. Kash blocked my way, and I planted my hands on my hips, waiting to see what excuse he came up with.
“Why are you so mad?” he questioned, and I couldn’t answer that question. Was I hurt because I was starting to feel something for him or was it because it was Josie? I thought to myself.
“You’re right, I’m not mad. Can I go now?” I asked.
“No,” he said and grasped my face then covered my lips with his. I wanted to push him away, but at the same time, it felt so good to be in his arms. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to me as we both claimed to be the dominant one with pent up-frustration.
I drank in the sweetness of his kiss.
“Mmmmm…” I moaned into his mouth as I went for his pants and unbuckled them.
“Wait, let me lock the door,” Kash said and pulled away.
“Hurry,” I said and watched him check under the stalls afterwards before he stood back in front of me, trailing kisses down my neck. I wore a low-cut, off-shoulder Versace dress. Not even taking the time to remove my panties, he ripped them off and tucked them in his pants pocket.
“I’m going to fuck that attitude out of you,” Kash told me.
“I’d like to see you try,” I sassed.
Kash lifted me on top of the bathroom counter and pushed my dress up, separated my thighs, and probed. With his other hand, he gripped the back of my hair, causing my head to tilt back.
“She’s getting wetter for me, baby,” Kamden said as he dipped a second finger inside, wetting it to spread the moistness around my clit.