Olivia’s request for dessert came at the best and worst of times. Part of me was disappointed that the moment I was having with Nora was interrupted. When that comment about not looking like a grandma slipped out, I was probably more shocked than she was, especially when I realized she seemed pleased.

The other part of me is relieved to have a minute alone in the cool kitchen to take a breath and calm my racing thoughts. My attraction to Nora has only continued to grow, and I think I’m approaching a crossroads. I’m going to have to decide very soon if I want to pull back and just be friends, or if I want to take a leap of faith and see if we could be more. I know which kind of man I want to be, but it’s not that easy to step over the edge.

Something definitely seems different about her today that makes me think she might not be opposed to the idea of changing the status quo of our relationship. Maybe it’s the casual vibe of the outdoor gathering, but she seems more relaxed than usual, and I could swear she’s been looking at me more than normal. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking, but it feels like our sense of connection has strengthened beyond our typical camaraderie.

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that part of my hesitation is a fear of rejection. She was pretty adamant about making sure that my family didn’t think we were dating, though surprisingly, that hasn’t come up. Even if she doesn’t reject me immediately, what happens when she realizes belatedly that I’m too much? That I’m not a good guy deep down? Good guys don’t do what I did, and she’ll eventually find that out.

As much as I would like to continue pondering my dilemma, I know that someone from my family will pop in here any second looking for the promised dessert. I withdraw the cake from the refrigerator and grab a spatula to serve it with, resolving to pay close attention the rest of the day in an attempt to gauge Nora’s feelings about me.

Not that I need an extra reason to pay attention to her. Only the presence of my obnoxiously observant siblings has kept me from staring continuously at her since the moment she got here. She looked adorable when she arrived in her shorts and tank top, then my jaw almost hit the ground when she climbed out of the pool in a floral one-piece that didn’t show much skin but definitely flattered her figure. Nora doesn’t need a string bikini to be alluring.

Balancing the cake on one arm, I pull open the door to go back outside. My eyes instantly lock on Nora, who has moved to sit by the other women. Her head tilts back as she laughs at something Maddy said, her pink lips tipped up in amusement. Even though she’s wearing sunglasses, I can picture the sparkle in her bright blue eyes.

“You okay, bro?” Grant’s voice startles me, and I realize I stopped just outside the door.

“Yeah, just, uh…looking around for a place to set this cake down.” I can tell by his smirk that he’s not fooled by my anemic explanation, so I push past him before he has a chance to say anything about it. “Time for cake!”

My announcement produces a flurry of activity as the kids vie for the first slice, which I award to Olivia. I cut a slice for Nora and leave the rest of the adults to serve themselves as I deliver it to her.

“Your cake, my lady.” I present the plate to her with a flourish. She pushes her glasses up to perch on top of her head and accepts it with both hands.

“Thank you, kind sir.” Her playful reply and warm smile do something to my insides. I take a step back as she scoops up the first bite, watching for her reaction. She pauses with her fork inches from her mouth and squints at me. “Stop looking at me. It’s too much pressure.”

“Sorry.” I turn away from her and clasp my hands behind my back. “Proceed.”

Seconds later I hear her hum appreciatively, and a surge of triumph thrums through me. “Can I look now?”

“Hold on,” Maddy says. “Let me try a bite first.”

I roll my eyes at Rowan who is watching with a grin.

“Alex, this is amazing.” Maddy’s mouth sounds full.

I whirl around and pump my fist. “Yes! Victory is mine.”

“It really is good cake, Uncle Alex,” Olivia chimes in, wiping whipped cream from her chin with the back of her hand. “Will you make this again for my birthday?”

“You bet I will.” I feel a bubble of pride swell in my chest at my accomplishment.

Maddy takes another bite. “You realize this changes everything, right?”

“How’s that?”

“Now we’re going to expect you to bring real food when you come over,” Grant chimes in.

They all laugh, but I couldn’t be more thrilled. Both of my siblings basically admitted, in their own way, that I have crazy good food skills now.

I serve myself a slice while everyone continues chatting, and I have to say, it really is delicious. I wonder if I could make a chocolate version, or maybe add some cinnamon next time. I share my thoughts with Nora when she comes to stand beside me with her empty plate.

“Look at you thinking like a real chef.” She punches me gently on the shoulder. “You’re going to be the one developing recipes for the show soon.”

I shake my head. “That part is all you.”

“I don’t know, you did a pretty good job with all of this.” She studies the decimated food table. “I didn’t hear a single complaint.”

“All thanks to you.” She starts to wave me off, but I stop her with a hand on her wrist. “No, seriously. I couldn’t have done this without you. Thank you, Rose.”

I see her blue eyes widen, and her chest heaves with a quick intake of air. Her gaze cuts down to my hand and I realize my thumb is making lazy circles on her soft skin.