“Actually, I guess you’d say it’s more of a favor.”

Now she looks at me, interested. “What kind of favor?”

“Well, I might have gotten a little carried away the other night and invited my brother and sister and their families to my house for a Fourth of July party.”


“And the thing is, I really want to impress them. I’ve never hosted something like this before, and they think I’m just their kid brother and that I can’t do it, so I want to stick it to them. In the nicest possible way, of course, because my nieces and nephews will be here.”

“Of course,” she agrees, pressing her lips together like she’s on the verge of laughter. “But what does that have to do with me?”

“I need help planning the food,” I admit. “I want to cook everything myself, but I don’t know what to make. I was hoping you could help me pick some easy foods that I can handle.”

“Sure, I can help with that. Do you have any idea that you want to start with?” She sets the clean griddle next to the empty crate to be carried to her car.

I rinse and dry my hands, then lean against the counter. “I was thinking burgers because grilling on the Fourth feels mandatory. But I don’t know what else.”

“Okay, how about…” I can see the gears turning and I can’t wait to hear what she comes out with. “How about salads? Not lettuce salads, but the other kind. Like potato salad, fruit salad, tomato salad. Those are all dishes you can prepare ahead of time, and they’re cool and refreshing in the heat of summer.”

I rub my chin. That does sound pretty good. The heat and humidity in Nashville can be pretty rough this time of year. The shade and fan on the patio, along with the option to dip into the pool will keep it manageable, but having the right food will help too.

I nod. “I like it. And you think those are easy enough for my meager cooking skills?”

“Your skills aren’t bad.” She bumps my shoulder with hers. “You’re learning and getting better and better. So yes, I think you can handle those no problem.”

“Aw shucks,” I say with a grin and an exaggerated Southern accent.

She ignores me and continues. “Then for dessert, I’m thinking a tres leches cake. It’s super easy but so good, and it’s cool and refreshing so it fits your theme.”

I’m liking this menu more and more. “So that’s a meat, veggies, fruit, and dessert. Sounds like a well-rounded meal to me. Where do I find recipes for this stuff? Google?”

“Google is a good resource, but not as good as me.” She winks and my heart flips. “I have recipes for all of those that I can send you. I’ll do it tonight so you have a few days to look over them and ask me any questions you might have.”

“Thank you so much,” I say sincerely. “I’ll definitely owe you one. You’re like a kitchen fairy, making my food wishes come true.”

She laughs. “I wouldn’t go that far. Just a friend helping a friend.”

“Hey,” I say, a thought occurring to me. “You should come. I mean, if you don’t already have plans for the Fourth.”

“I’m working until three, but I’m free after that.”

“That’s perfect because I told Grant and Maddy to be here at four. We’ll have all evening to hang out and eat, and then we can watch the fireworks. You can actually see the ones on the Cumberland River pretty clearly from my backyard.”

“That sounds great, but…will that be weird? It’ll just be your family, right?”

“Yeah, but they won’t mind if I include a friend. And I promise they aren’t that bad.”

“I’ve already met them at book club, remember? I’m not worried that I won’t like them. I just don’t want them to get the wrong idea.”

I frown. “The wrong idea about what?”

“About us. What if they think we’re seeing each other because you invited me? Won’t we look like a couple if I’m the only non-relative there?”

“I mean, they already know we’re friends,” I say, unsure why she’s concerned. Would it really be so bad if people did think I was her boyfriend? “Annie was there when we met, remember? And they see our videos together.”

“Yes, but that’s all in a professional capacity. We’ve never just hung out, especially with other people.”

“If it’s important to you, we’ll make sure they know we’re just friends. It doesn’t have to be a big deal.”