“It is what it is,” Miles says with a shrug, a good-humored smile touching his lips. I have to admire his ability to roll with the punches. We’ve already thrown a lot at him in the last five minutes.

“Is there anywhere we could stop along the way for me to purchase more appropriate clothes?” Alex asks. “It’s very important to us to make a good impression.”

Miles thinks for a moment, then lifts a finger. “There’s a place on the way, but we’ll need to get going immediately.”

“Lead the way,” Alex says, gesturing for the man to precede us. He reaches for my hand, tucking it into his. He shoots a glance at me from the corner of his eye as we walk and nods as if to say, “Everything is going to be fine.”

And somehow, I believe him, especially as I watch him stride confidently behind Miles like a man on a very, very serious mission.

Miles informs the driver as soon as we step into the car he had waiting that we’ll need to make an extra stop. The driver navigates us skillfully through the traffic and stops in front of what looks like a men’s boutique. Alex hops out and holds out a hand to help me out as well. “Come help me pick something out,” he says.

I look back at Miles who shoos us with his hands. “Hurry up. We only have a few minutes. When you get inside, ask for Guillermo and tell him I sent you.”

Alex pulls me across the sidewalk into the shop and catches the eye of a tall, caramel-skinned man inside. “Are you Guillermo?”

The man flashes a smile and bows slightly at the waist. “At your service. And to whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?”

“My name is Alex Lockwood. This is Nora Beckham.” His speech is clipped, to the point but not rude. “We have an urgent wardrobe emergency and Miles Brenner said you could help.”

“Say no more,” Guillermo says, holding up a hand. “Walk with me.”

We follow obediently as he strides to the back of the store, asking Alex a series of rapid-fire questions about his size and the occasion he’s dressing for. He deftly plucks several items off the racks and guides Alex to a dressing room.

“Try these,” he says. “I will acquire a pair of shoes.”

Alex fishes in his pocket as Guillermo walks away. “Here.” He plucks a credit card from his wallet. “You can go ahead and pay while I put these on. Don’t worry about the total, just have him ring it all up.”

“But what if it doesn’t fit or you don’t like it?” I ask, eyes wide.

“I have a feeling we can trust Guillermo,” Alex says with a wink. He disappears into the dressing room, and Guillermo returns only seconds later with a shoe box and a pair of dress socks that he slides under the door to Alex. “Thank you,” Alex calls. “I’ll be out in just a minute.”

“I can, uh, go ahead and take care of the bill,” I say, awkwardly waving the card Alex gave me.

Guillermo smiles graciously and leads me to the register, where he enters the items he handed to Alex. The total makes me die a little inside, but Alex told me not to worry, so when Guillermo holds out his hand for the card, I relinquish it without question.

Just as I accept the receipt, Alex strides from the dressing room, his previous clothes wadded into a bundle in front of him. My breath catches and my eyes widen at the astounding transformation that has just taken place. Alex looks like he stepped off the cover of the latest issue of GQ. Gone are the athleisure clothes, replaced with a black suit that fits like it was made for him, layered over a crisp black shirt. It’s the perfect complement to what I’m wearing, especially my favorite detail—a silk tie the exact same shade of lilac purple as my shoes.

I drag my eyes away from Alex to Guillermo, who is appraising Alex with a satisfied smile. “You are a magician.”

“Thank you.” He bows again, as he did when we entered. “I’m pleased you are satisfied with my suggestions.”

“Looks great,” Alex says, running a hand through his blond curls to tame them. He’s only somewhat successful, but somehow the tousled hair juxtaposes pleasingly with the polished outfit. It gives him an air of boyishness until he pulls out a pair of aviators and slides them on. Then he moves straight into hotter-than-a-ghost pepper full-grown man territory.

I fight the impulse to fan my face and instead focus on the fact that I’ve learned something about myself: aviators and black suits do it for me, at least when they’re on Alex.

“Well, I hate to shop and run, but we’re short on time.”

Guillermo nods. “Of course, and here’s something for your other things.” He snaps open a shopping bag and Alex drops his clothes and running shoes inside.

“Thanks again.” He raises a hand as we walk outside, then checks his watch. “Eleven minutes. Not bad.”

Miles nods approvingly as we slide back into the waiting car. “Much better.”

I slump onto the back seat and do another round of deep breathing. In just a few short minutes the three of us will walk into a meeting that could change the trajectory of my career—no, my whole life. Nothing else about this day has gone the way I expected, but hopefully the positive outcome I’m wishing for is forthcoming. Then, after the meeting, Alex and I will continue the conversation that could change the trajectory of my personal life.

So, you know, I have just a few things going on today.

Sounds like I’m going to need more iced coffee.