I still need this job to fund my life while my side hustle is growing. But one day? Maybe that won’t be the case. I decide to let the dream of something more carry me forward through today.
It’s not until I get in my car to go home after work that I spot the pastel pink leather wallet lying on my passenger side floorboard. I pick it up and turn it over, zipping it open to look at the ID inside and confirm what I already know—Nora dropped her wallet in my car this morning.
I tuck it into the console and pull out my phone to text her that I have it and can bring it to her after work, but then I pause. She said she’s on the second shift all week, so it will be late by the time she gets off. Rather than having to go back out later tonight to meet her when she’s already tired and ready to go home and go to bed, I should just swing by the restaurant now and bring it to her. It will be a fun little surprise.
I grin as I buckle up and head over there. When I arrive, the hostess greets me with a smile, and I explain why I’m here.
“Hi, I’m Nora Beckham’s boyfriend. She left her wallet in my car this morning, and I wanted to return it to her in case she needs it this evening.” I’m prepared to wait for a few minutes since the tables look full and she’s probably busy, but the girl shakes her head.
“I’m sorry, she’s already gone home for the day. Her shift ended an hour ago.”
I blink at her stupidly for a second, confused. Nora had said she was working late, hadn’t she? I give the girl a smile and thank her anyway before getting back in my car and texting Nora.
You left your wallet in my car this morning. Can I bring it by your place on my way home?
Oh my goodness, yes! Thanks!
I must have misunderstood her schedule. At least the bright side is that I’ll be able to spend a few extra minutes with her this evening.
She lets me into her apartment with a grateful smile. “Thank you so much for bringing it by. I hadn’t even realized it was gone, but I certainly would have when I stopped to get gas in the morning.”
“Happy to help. I actually went by the restaurant first. You said you were working late all week, so I was going to surprise you with a quick visit.”
“Oh, yes, I did say that, didn’t I?” She blinks rapidly, seeming a bit flustered. “There was a, uh…last minute schedule change. I didn’t find out about it until after we saw each other this morning.” She glances away and claps her hands. “Hey, I was just about to make some dinner. Would you like to stay and eat with me?”
Is it just me, or did it seem like she was in a hurry to change the subject? I shake the thought away. I’m reading way too much into this. I need to turn my hypersensitive lie detector off and just enjoy this unexpected opportunity to share a meal with my girlfriend. I move farther into the apartment, watching as she bustles around in the kitchen, pulling out a pot and a cutting board. Her long blonde and lilac hair is darkened with lingering dampness from a shower, and she’s dressed comfortably in a pair of leggings and an oversized pink t-shirt.
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
She glances my way and pauses to think. “Here.” She plunks the cutting board and an onion on the counter and withdraws a knife from a drawer. “You can dice this onion while I gather everything else up.”
She leans close to reach into a cabinet beside me, and I can smell the strawberry scent of her shampoo. I resist the urge to grab her and snuggle my face into her neck. She seems like she’s on a mission to get this food on the table, and I don’t want to get in her way. Besides, I’m pretty hungry, and I’ve eaten enough of her recipes to know that whatever we’re making will hit the spot.
Forty-five minutes later, we’re shoulder to shoulder on her couch, talking around steaming mouthfuls of creamy chicken and corn chowder. The weird, suspicious feeling I had earlier faded away as we cooked and chatted—and maybe worked in a kiss or two. Nora seems totally fine. I’m convinced it was just my brain being overly dramatic because I was tired and hungry. The food and the relaxing company have cured both those woes.
“Oh, I meant to tell you, I got a weird voicemail while I was at work today.”
“Oh yeah?” I glance over at her. “Who was it from?”
“Someone called Mark Booker? Mike Baker?” She scrunches her brows together trying to remember. “Anyway, he said it had something to do with our show, but I don’t know anything other than that. I’m going to call him back in the morning and see what he wants.”
“Huh, that’s interesting.” I eat another flavorful bite of chowder. “Wonder what it could be.”
Nora shrugs one shoulder. “I guess I’ll have to let you know once I talk to him.”
I close my eyes and savor the next spoonful. “This is so good. We should make a video for this recipe. I bet our fans would go crazy over a good chowder.”
“I bet they would,” Nora agrees with a chuckle. “I was thinking we should do some more advanced meals soon for the folks who have been following along and gaining skills and confidence like you.”
“I’m flattered by your compliment, and I’m sure they will be too.”
“How about Saturday, then? Will you be ready to eat more chowder by then?”