I blink at him for a moment before I realize he’s ready to move on to the next recipe. “Oh, right. We’re going to make a dessert. There won’t be leftovers of this one, though.”
“That good, huh?” He smirks and raises an eyebrow.
I laugh. “It is good, but the reason there won’t be leftovers is because it’s a single serving. We’ll make two, of course, so I can have one too.”
“And this single serving of dessert will be…?”
“A chocolate peanut butter mug brownie.”
“I don’t know what that is, but it sounds amazing.”
I slap my knees and push myself off my stool. “We’d better get started then.”
Alex reaches over and grabs my empty plate, stacking it on top of his. “I’ll load the dirty stuff in the dishwasher while you get set up for the brownies.”
He whistles while he works, and I find I like the cheeriness of the sound as I move around the kitchen, pulling out what we’ll need and arranging it on the island.
Alex dries his hands and comes to stand beside me, still wearing his apron. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a man who looked better in an apron, even when I was in school. I might not have seen a better-looking man, period. I mean, I remember noticing how attractive he was when we first met, but I have to admit that the guy’s growing on me, and the apron doesn’t hurt anything.
I push an empty mug in front of him and center the second one in front of myself.
We’re ready to roll.
“Every time, I think it can’t get better, and then it does.” I heave a contented sigh as I drop my spoon into my empty mug.
“What are you talking about?”
“I mean, the recipes you’re teaching me just keep getting better and better. I like each one more than the last.”
Nora’s face lights up at my compliment. “I’m glad you’re enjoying them. These are favorites that I’ve made many times, and it’s fun to get to share them. Hopefully the viewers will like them too.”
“How could they not? These brownies are incredible for something that took five minutes and a microwave to make.”
She smiles. “You’ll have the extra ingredients here in case you want to make it again for yourself later this week.”
I rub my stomach. “That might not be such a good idea. I’m afraid I might not be able to resist making one every night. Maybe you should take that stuff home with you.”
“No can do. I signed a contract that very clearly stipulates that all leftover food is the property of the second party—that’s you.”
“Yeah, but are these things food or ingredients?”
“Is there a difference?”
“Of course. Would you eat raw cocoa powder?”
She shrugs and grins. “I’m just trying to follow the rules.”
“No, you’re observing the letter of the law rather than the spirit of it.”
“Fiiiiine.” She drags out the words and rolls her eyes dramatically. “I’ll take all the ingredients to make myself delicious warm desserts for the rest of the week. It’s a sacrifice, but I’ll make it for you.”
I narrow my eyes. “You just played me.”
“I did, and there are no take-backs.” Her grin is smug. “The dessert stuff is mine, sucker.”