Page 10 of Sanctuary

“He is. And such a good boy.”

“What brings you to my neck of the woods?”

“Some heavily-armed dickheads showed up at my place asking about you.”

Well, at least someone on that crew had some brains. A smart soldier did his recon. “What did you tell them?”

“I mostly talked about how I love my trees while braiding my vines into fancy shapes around them. Trees need good fertilizer, you see. And human bodies make really good fertilizer. Very nutritious when properly processed. I also mentioned that I personally don’t bother you unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

“Thanks,” Roman said.

“Do you need help?”

“Nah. I’ve got this.”

The kid’s eyelashes trembled slightly.

“Let me know if you change your mind. Last I saw, they were going up the road to see Schatten next.”

“Really? Why would they do that?”

The little bird laughed. “I may have sent them that way.”

Yes, and Ludwig would love that. “You know how he enjoys visitors.”

“Oh yes, he’s a regular Martha Stewart, that one. The soul of hospitality.”

A distant blast thundered.

“They found Schatten!” The druid cackled.

“Damn it.” Roman frowned.


“I owe him twenty bucks. I told him that magically rigging those IEDs would never work.”

“That was a sucker’s bet. Well, I’m off. Whistle if you need something.”

The bird hopped up and flew back to the kitchen and out the window.

“It’s hard to lie there without moving,” Roman said. “I know you’re awake. You might as well throw in the towel.”

The boy sat up. The shepherd sat in front of him, putting herself between the boy and Roman.

Trigger turned to look at the kid, his iron fur ringing with a metallic jangle, and the little puppy bared her teeth.

“Let’s start with who you are and why people are chasing you?”

The boy didn’t answer. His mouth was a hard, flat line across his face.

“Don’t feel like talking?”

No answer.

Roman sighed. Story of his life. “Well, it is what it is. The die is cast. For whatever reason, I decided not to let them have you, so you are stuck here with me. Unless you want to make my life easier and walk out to the welcoming committee outside?”

The boy shook his head.