Page 17 of Daniel Watson

Kneeling down in front of him, she put her mouth over the next snap and opened it. It was much easier than she’d thought it would be, and did the next three that way. However, she ran into a block, his thickening cock when the last one was too tight to get open.

Instead of having him do it and take her fun away in the process, she licked along his heavily veined shaft before freeing his cock. It was like she’d freed it just for her mouth. As soon as Daniel begged for her to stop before he came, Cassie pulled his boxers down over his cock and ran her tongue over the dark crown.

She hadn’t expected it to be so tasty having a man’s cock in her mouth. His cum was there for her to sample, and she found herself swallowing as much of his precum as she could. When he pulled his pants down to his thighs, Cassie followed him to the side of the bed, still licking and suckling at him while he sat down.

With his pants off, she had so much more room to explore. She didn’t close her eyes but watched his face as he’d done to her when he’d been eating her. Thinking about how much she had enjoyed him tasting her, she stood up, stripped down, and got onto the bed with him. Her pussy to his mouth and his cock at hers.

More and more of his cum slid down the back of her throat and along his delicious cock. It made for easy strokes for him by putting her hand around him and fuck him with her hand. When he reached between them and tweaking at her nipples, she felt a wave of something, a climax that she’d not expected had her crying out.

“Come again, love. I love the taste of you.” Cassie only nodded, not caring if he could see her or not. Right now, she was going to make him come all over her if it was the last thing she did tonight.

Moving her body around so that she was on top of him, still with his cock in her mouth, she rode his mouth like he was riding hers. There was no more gentleness from her, and she didn’t think that Daniel was slowing down either. As soon as he stiffened beneath her, she knew that she was in for the rush of her life.

His hot cum touched her on the face, her hair, and her breasts. Lifting up just a bit more, grinding her pussy into his mouth, she screamed, feeling her throat burn with it when her own climax slammed into her. Like her entire body was being flipped up and over several times before she was able to come a second time, then a next. All the while, she felt her body giving all it had. She never stopped making love to his cock with her mouth.

The sudden flip to her back had her nearly crying out again. When Daniel moved over her, pussy to cock, he slammed into her so hard that she felt it at the back of her throat. The next time she came, it was too much, and her body simply gave up trying to keep up with him. Darkness took her under quicker than she could close her eyes.

She must have been out for a few minutes because when she opened her eyes, or eye, one of them was still on strike, she was at the top of the bed on her pillow and a sheet drawn up over her. Daniel was just coming out of the bathroom when she sat up.

“Don’t touch me.” She had to laugh at the desperation of his voice. “I’m serious right now. You touch me, and I’m not going to be responsible for what happens to me. Right now I feel like I could spin off in space, never to return.” She laughed as he got into the bed, staying as far away from her as he could. “I don’t know what got into you, but give me fair warning next time. I think perhaps I’m never going to be the same. And if we have that sort of making love again, we’re going to test the fact that I’m a young, healthy man who should be in a fit enough state to have sex.”

Cassie laughed off and on throughout the rest of the morning and into the afternoon. After lying next to Daniel for about another hour, she got up, showered down the hall so as not to disturb him, and headed out. There was a great deal for her to get done today, and she didn’t want to sit around waiting for her sore body—yes, she thought, it was sore to catch up with her mindset on the list she had to get done.

Her top-of-the-list thing was to make sure that the rest of the family got their packages sorted out from the ones they had brought home in their car. Everyone had pitched in where they could, putting things in every car or truck so that they’d not be overly crowded driving home after an exhausting day of fun. While she was out, she was stopped by no less than ten people asking what was going to happen to the old high school now that the new one was being built.

“I don’t know about the things going with the high school.” Just to make sure she drove by the ancient building just to make sure that there was nothing going on there. Nothing that she could see. “When I get home, I’ll ask then and let you know. But right now, I’ve no idea if there are plans to renovate it or not.”

Getting some questions answered about the two buildings in the downtown area that were earmarked for projects, she could tell that construction was working on them. It had been Caleb’s idea to use the locals for smaller projects and to hire a construction team for the larger ones. The renovations for the library, as well as the new roof on the courthouse, were being worked on, she could see but the school project brothered her. Just as she was pulling out her cell phone to make a call, it rang.

“I need your help.” It took her a second to figure out that it was Sen. “Can you please come and get me. Also, I’d appreciate it if you weren’t to tell anyone. This is going to be bad when it hits the fan.”

“I’m on my way.” She started to ask her what was going on but didn’t want to know so that she’d not drive like an idiot and get herself hurt. She was pulling up in front of the big house when Sen came out of it with a large hand towel pressed to her face with what appeared to be blood. As soon as she got in the car, she told her to go to the ER.

“All right, but if this was Lester, his ass is going to prison. If he lives that long.” She said it was his father. That she needed to find Lester and let him know what had happened. “What did happen?”

Before she could tell her if she was going to, they were pulling up in front of the hospital. After being briefly seen, Sen was taken back to a room. Not taking no for an answer, she followed her back to the room and sat down next to her while the nurse and a doctor examined her cheek. The cut to it looked like it had been made by a knife but it was hard to tell from where she was sitting. When they left to prep her for stitches, Cassie asked her who she needed to call.

“Lester. Then, if you can’t get in touch with him, and I’m going to be so freaked out if you can’t, then call the men in. I believe that his father might have hurt him too.” She asked what happened, and she started crying, babbling about how she’d not seen it coming and that it hurt her heart that— “I think that Bill, Lester’s stepfather, killed his wife. He kept saying something about her not being worth anything to him now that there was fresh blood in the family. I didn’t think about it until I laughed at him that he was off his meds. I don’t know that he was on meds. It’s just…Is it all right with you if you call in Daniel? I love you like a mother, but Daniel is like a father figure to me, too, and I need him here?”

“No, I’m not upset with that at all. He has a calmness about him that… Honey, I’ll call him now.” Stepping out into the hall, she called him. Cassie was so happy that he was awake and out and about that, she asked him to meet her at the hospital. After giving him a brief rundown as to what happened, he said that he was on his way. She told him not to tell his brothers.

“I’m afraid it’s too late for that, honey. The police showed up at our house when Caleb and Martin were there. They’re pissed off, as I’m sure that you know.” She told him to make sure that they were calm before driving in. “I’m very calm. Pissed as I’ve ever been but relatively calm too.”

She didn’t believe him and was glad when he said that of the three of them, he was the calmest. Cassie was afraid that the women would find out what happened then there would be hell to pay.


Daniel stayed with Lester while he was being examined at the emergency room. He could have treated the younger man but he was asked to keep him calm. Having to hold the man’s hand throughout the examination and ultimate cast put on his leg as well as his arm, he told him that he should get the stitches put in his face so that it would heal better. Daniel thought it was very telling that he didn’t want anyone to see the stitches or they’d get the wrong idea.

“And what idea was that, Lester? That your stepfather is a bastard. People are going to be very helpful to you from now on.” He asked him how he thought that Serenity would take it, glad that he was calling Sen by her full name. “She’s had to have a few stitches put in her cheek as well. Doug cut her because he was hoping that you’d not want her again so that he could take her. Did he ever show this kind of behavior before?”

“No. Not even when I wasn’t around. At least that’s what…are you sure that he killed her? I mean, she does have a bad heart. Could she have died… She was supposed to have a long life now that they’d found out what was wrong with her, and she took things easy. I just don’t want to think about her suffering at his hands, I guess.” Hugging the kid when he started sobbing, it hurt his own heart to think of the suffering that Milly had suffered before dying. “She’s all I had in the world, you know? My mom was everything to me. Then Serenity came along, and I felt like…I love her, Doc. Serenity is everything to me. And now she’s been hurt by that fucking bastard, and I’m going to lose her. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

“You’re going to buck up here and tell her how sorry you were. Not that I think you have anything to be sorry for. You took her to meet your family, and the bastard showed his true colors.” He gave a brief thought to what he would say to the other man and decided that he was old enough for the truth. “Your mother has been examined by the staff, and she’s been hurt as recently as the last few weeks. The examiner said that she had years of new breaks and bruises on her body that happened in the last few months.”

“She didn’t tell me. Why?” Luke, who had been lying on the bed next to Lester since he’d brought him in, was finally asleep. He’d been stressed about the young man and was glad that there seemed to be a bond forming between them that they both needed. Thinking about what Lester had said, Daniel said that he didn’t know her at all, so he couldn’t make that judgment. “Mom told me once that she’d made a mistake in getting married again. I thought she just meant that she missed her freedom. I should have looked into it more when she was alone with him.”

“She’d gotten used to hiding herself away from others finding out. I would imagine that it was difficult, too, for her to admit that she’d made another mistake in finding herself caught in an abusive situation again. As I said, I didn’t know her but I think I might well have thought the same thing.” When his cell phone rang, he saw that it was Cassie.