Together they walked back to the estate, and Thomas managed to get Patricia into the house without anyone seeing them together. Once she was safely with her mother and sister, he went to his own mother.

All the guests, except for Lily and the Duke and the duke’s mother, Morgana, the dowager duchess, had left.

Lady Ashford was sitting on the davenport nursing a cup of tea. Her black veil had been removed from her face, and her usually rosy complexion was pale. Thomas walked swiftly toward her and offered his hand. “Mummy, I believe it’s time for you to retire.”

“Yes, Mummy,” Lily agreed. “Listen to Thomas. Please. It’s been quite a day for you.”

Lady Ashford simply nodded. As Thomas helped her to her feet, she stumbled a bit and he steadied her.

“Are you feeling quite well?” Thomas asked, but then he shook his head at the absurdity of his words.

Of course she wasn’t well.

She’d just lost her husband.

“I’ll be all right, Thomas. But I believe I would like for you to see me to my chamber.”

“Yes, of course.”

Thomas helped her up the long winding staircase to the second story, where the earl’s quarters were located. As he headed toward them, she nudged him.

“No, Thomas. That is now your chamber. You’re the earl. Papa has been gone for over a week. I’ve instructed the maids to make up one of the large guestrooms for me.”

“Mummy, I’m not going to take your chamber.”

Lady Ashford held up a hand, her eyes stern. “It’s yours. I have no right to it anymore.”

“You have a right to it if I say you do.”

She stopped him, cupped his cheek. “Thomas, you darling boy. Do as I say, now. This is what your father would want. Trust me on that.”

“I’m not so sure, Mummy.”

“Be sure. This is your legacy.” She gestured down the grand hallway. “This is your estate now, Thomas. Everything on these lands is yours. Your responsibility. It’s a lot to deal with, so take the fringe benefits that come along with it. Your father certainly did when his father passed.”

Thomas opened his mouth to tell her it was a different situation. That his grandmother passed before his grandfather, so she didn’t have to give up her chamber like his mother was feeling obligated to.

But then he stopped.

Because his mother was correct.

The suite of rooms—the biggest and grandest in this mansion—were now his.

He would be expected to fill them.

First with a wife, and then with an heir.

And he would do it.

Because it was his duty.



Episode Four

In Which Portia Hears a Scandalous Tale