“I am fine. But I need to speak with your brother. Is he still resting?”

Lily’s eyes fell on the ring on her finger. “I’ve heard the good news, and we all could not be happier?—”

“Yes, I’m over the moon, but now is not the time. Your brother, is he?—?”

“Yes, he’s resting.” Lily raised an eyebrow. “But why must you speak with him? You both should be in bed, recuperating.”

“I’ve had a terrible thought, Lily. Did Thomas tell you what I believe to have found out about his cousin?”

“Yes, Thomas told me.” Lily grabbed Tricia’s hands. “We’re taking care of things discreetly.”

Tricia whipped her hands out of Lily’s. “But has no one considered why he burned the study down? I think there is a chance that Thomas’s life might be in danger. Is anyone with him at the moment?”

Lily nodded. “Thomas is well aware of what his demise would mean to Jonathan. Have no fear. Mr. Longbottom is with him.”

Yes, Longbottom was there an hour ago when Tricia and her mother were visiting Thomas. But was he still there? “Are you sure?” she asked Lily.

“Of course. Where else would he be?” Lily grabbed Tricia by the shoulders. “My darling, you really must calm down. You’re upset, you’re recovering from the fire…”

Tricia wriggled out of Lily’s grasp, coughing again. “I must see for myself, Lily,” she said with a rasp. “Please.”

Lily looked Tricia up and down, frowning. But she cocked her head and her countenance softened. “Of course, love. Anything for my future sister.”


Tricia and Lily made haste to Thomas’s suite of rooms. Lily knocked on the thick wooden door.

“Mr. Longbottom?” Lily said. “Are you in there?”

A moment passed. Lily knocked again. And then again.

Anxiety curled through Tricia. Where was Thomas’s valet? Shouldn’t he be in the suite tending to Thomas? Shouldn’t a physician be here? Or Thomas’s mother, the dowager countess?

Where was everyone?

Thomas’s valet was always in the suite. Where was he now?

Tricia turned the doorknob.

“Tricia, love,” Lily chided her. “We can’t go in uninvited.”

Tricia looked back and forth from the closed door to the duchess’s concerned face. “I’m worried sick over him, Lily. Someone means him harm.” She knocked again. “Where is Mr. Longbottom? Why is no one answering?”

“I shall go and fetch another male servant. He can go in and check on the earl.” Lily turned around, lifted up her skirts, and bolted down the hallway.

Tricia turned back to the door.

It really would be improper for her to enter this suite uninvited, even with the large diamond adorning her left hand indicating her commitment to her future husband.

And she was dressed in little more than a robe.

“Lily?” she called down the hallway. “Did you find someone?”

No response from the duchess.

Damn it all. There was a time and place for propriety, and it was not now.

Tricia turned the knob, and it opened. She walked into the sitting area. “Mr. Longbottom?”