But she was truly a graceful dancer as well.

“Are you enjoying the ball, Miss Templeton?” he asked.

She smiled shyly. “I am indeed, thank you for asking, my lord.”

“I’m afraid we haven’t met before. Is this your first season?”

“No, I came out last season.”

Odd, Thomas thought. Such a sweet little thing should surely have found a match by now. He wouldn’t embarrass her by asking her about it.

However, she kept talking. “I actually had an offer of marriage from a young lord, but my mother did not think he was suitable.”


“Yes, and it was just as well. I didn’t feel I was ready for marriage last season.”

“Do you feel you are now?”

Her cheeks flushed a pale pink. “I believe I am, my lord.”

He could ask her why she believed that, but frankly he did not truly care. While she was a beautiful little thing, he was feeling no spark at all having her in his arms.

When the dance ended, he deposited her back with her mother, who was still speaking with Denbigh. He bowed politely. “Thank you for the dance, Miss Templeton. It was truly my privilege. But if you’ll excuse me, I am the host of this extravaganza, so I must see to my guests and also check in with my mother.”

“How is the countess faring?” Mrs. Templeton asked.

“She’s doing well,” Thomas said. “Thank you for asking. But she does miss my father, as do I.”

“Yes, of course. My own husband succumbed to consumption two years past. And I still miss him as well.”

“I’m very sorry to hear that,” Thomas said.

Now what? Should he stay and talk to this woman? He had already excused himself.

So he simply bowed once more and walked away.

He walked toward the front of the ballroom, where he spied his mother.

“Thomas, darling boy, there you are,” the countess said. “Where did you disappear to?”

“I just wanted to get a little bit of fresh air,” Thomas said. “Are you feeling better after your repose, Mummy?”

“Yes, very much. Who was that young lady you were dancing with?”

“Her name is Aurora Templeton. Denbigh seemed to know who she and her mother were. But I’m not familiar with them.”

She closed her eyes and nodded. “Ah, yes. The Templetons. The name sounds vaguely familiar. I left the invitations solely to Maria’s discretion, I’m afraid. I just didn’t have it in me to take the reins this time. I hope you’ll forgive me, Thomas.”

Thomas took his mother’s hand. “Goodness, Mummy, there’s nothing to forgive. We may officially be out of mourning after a year, but that does not mean we miss Papa any less. I’m sure everyone understands, especially Maria.”

Maria was head of the household, and she had been with the countess since before she married the earl.

The countess merely nodded.

Thomas regarded his beautiful mother. She was blond and blue-eyed. Rose took after her, while he and Lily had inherited their father’s dark good looks.

But the dark circles under her eyes did not escape his notice.