“Really, darling boy,” the countess said, “I’m quite well. Though I’d love a refreshment. Some champagne, perhaps.”

“Allow me.” Polk bowed and walked toward one of the champagne fountains.

“You told him to check up on me, didn’t you?” the countess asked.

“I just want to make sure you’re taken care of, Mum,” Thomas replied. “I’d prefer to stay with you this evening rather than dance the night away.”

“Stay shackled to your mother when this sea of beauties awaits you?” She laughed softly. “Thomas, dear, you are the catch of the season. All the ladies are watching you. All of their mothers are watching you. And they’re watching you hover over me. Please, darling, try to have a nice time.”

Polk returned with a flute of champagne for the countess. She took it from him and offered her thanks before taking a small sip.

“Do you have your eye on anyone, Ashford?” Polk asked.

Thomas’s cheeks warmed. Why was Polk asking him that in front of his mother? And it still felt all wrong being called Ashford. His father was Ashford.

But he’d known from the time he could form a thought that he would one day inherit his father’s title. It always seemed so far into the future.

“Not yet,” Thomas said.

“Really? There are quite a few lovelies in the ballroom this evening,” Polk said.

Lady Ashford touched Thomas’s sleeve. “Perhaps I shall retire for a few moments. That way the two of you can talk about the lovely ladies without your mother listening in.”

“Let me escort you, Mummy,” Thomas said.

“Goodness, no. Try to enjoy yourself for my sake, Thomas. I shall return when I’ve rested a bit.” She floated away gently toward the exit.

“All right,” Polk said, “now you can tell me the truth. Whom do you have your eye on?”

“No one,” Thomas lied.

“No one at all?” Polk raised an eyebrow. “Not even the lovely Lady Patricia? Your sister-in-law?”

Interesting that Polk would bring up Tricia. “She’s not technically my sister-in-law. She’s the sister of my brother-in-law.”

“For the love of God, Ashford, who cares?” He chuckled. “You have no blood ties to her, and she’s a lovely specimen. So is her friend, Lady Sarah, but Patricia is by far the more worthy of the two.”

“I’m not interested in either of them.”

The lie tasted bitter on Thomas’s tongue. He didn’t want to marry, but he was extremely attracted to Lady Patricia. She was so young, though.

He’d had dreams of her supple body, of running his hands over her naked flesh. Her breasts were so round and pert, and the slight cleavage showing beneath her gown...

“I’m going to ask her to dance again,” Polk said.

“Lady Sarah?”

“No, Lady Patricia.”

He was asking her to dance again? Before Thomas could protest, Polk had walked off, and he was approaching Tricia. A moment later, the two of them were on the dance floor. Polk was one of his brother-in-law’s closest friends. They had gone to secondary school and university together and had spent many of their bachelor years traveling together. Thomas had gotten to know Polk during his stays at the bachelor houses during house parties and balls like this one. They’d become friendly over the years, especially after Polk’s closest friend, the Duke of Lybrook, had married Thomas’s sister Lily.

But Thomas certainly didn’t want Polk dancing with Tricia. Also eyeing Tricia was none other than his cousin, Jonathan Jameson.

It was all too much.

When Polk finally deposited Tricia back near one of the refreshment tables, Thomas glanced over at them. They were deep in conversation as Polk grabbed two flutes of champagne and handed one to Tricia. She took a dainty sip.

She looked perfect with a flute of champagne in her hand. She wasn’t raised in riches as Thomas was, but now that she was living the luxury life, she looked as if she’d been born into it. Thomas could not take his eyes off her.