Tricia laughed as well. She did like Lily so. Her sister Rose was much quieter, though equally lovely.

“May I present Lady Sarah Keating,” Tricia said to Lily. “Sarah, this is Lily Farnsworth, the Duchess of Lybrook. She’s Rose’s sister.”

“An honor to meet you, Your Grace.” Sarah gave a short curtsy.

“Not you too.” Lily laughed. “Any friend of Tricia’s is a friend of mine. Are the two of you enjoying the festivities?”

“It’s just luscious,” Sarah said. “This season is going to be so much fun!”

“The two of you take me back,” Lily said. “I truly dreaded my first season, but let me tell you a secret.” She looked around as the other lady who came in with her left. “I was ruined by my esteemed husband after the first ball!”

Sarah’s cheeks reddened. “Your Grace!”

“Phooey,” Lily said. “It’s Lily. And I’ll tell you what. I fought tooth and nail against him when he forced me into marriage. But it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Daniel and I are soulmates of the most perfect kind. He lets me be me, and I let him be him, and we love each other with a mad intensity.”

Sarah fanned her face with her hand. “I can’t believe what you’re saying. It’s simply scandalous!”

Tricia glanced at her best friend. Had she really just used that word? Scandalous? When she was telling Tricia to touch herself while reading erotic material not a moment ago?

Tricia’s brother ruined Lily’s sister in quite the same way, from what Tricia understood. Of course, it was not any of her business, so she stayed out of it.

“I’m not recommending that either of you take that particular route,” Lily assured them. “It truly was disreputable, and I’ll tell you that I didn’t give two figs about the season or becoming a lady of the peerage or any of that ridiculousness, but it all turned out perfectly in the end.” She closed her eyes and sighed. “I couldn’t be happier.”

“I want to find a husband,” Sarah said, rising. “That’s why I’m here, after all. So I’d best get to it. Mum will wonder where I’ve gone. So lovely to meet you, Your Grace.” She curtsied and left the retiring room.

Tricia looked back in the looking glass. Did Lily know how she felt about Thomas? Thomas was her brother, after all.


“Lily,” Tricia began.

“Yes, love?”

“Does your brother have his eye on anyone?”

Lily frowned. “Goodness, I don’t know. He’s got more sense than a lot of young bucks, but he’s been known to be indiscriminate.”

Lily’s words impaled Tricia’s heart like a dagger. So that kiss on his father’s gravesite truly didn’t mean anything. Tricia had just found herself at the right place at the right time.

“But I don’t think he’s ready to take a wife, to be honest. Mummy is after him about it, of course. Says we need a new lady of the house. She’s still mourning the loss of Papa, and I think she’d like to have someone else take on the hosting responsibilities of the estate. Seeing to the tenants and all.”

Tricia grew up as a tenant on the Lybrook estate. When Lily and the duke were betrothed, she and Rose accompanied the dowager duchess’s sister one afternoon when they stopped to see Mummy and offer provisions. Cameron took one look at Rose and…

Well, life was never the same after that moment.

Still, Tricia’s heart broke a little. Thomas didn’t want a wife.

Despite that incredible kiss they shared on the day of his father’s burial.

It may have been Tricia’s first kiss with the man she adored, but Thomas had no doubt kissed many. It meant nothing to him. He was simply a man trying to cope with a loss by engaging in something physical.

Sadness overwhelmed her.

“Tricia?” Lily said. “Why do you look so glum all of a sudden?”

Tricia forced a smile. “I’m fine, Lily. Truly. The ball is so fabulous. The food is wonderful, and I’ve had two dances already. One with a cousin of yours.”

“Jonathan?” Lily says. “Yes, he’s been overseas in the Americas for the last several years. It’s been lovely to see him. His father, Lord Pembroke Jameson, was my uncle. He passed away shortly before Papa did, while they were overseas in New York.”