Her mother pressed her lips together. “We must honor convention, Tricia.”

“Everyone saw us kissing. You yourself saw it with your own eyes. If Cameron didn’t see it, he has heard about it by now.”

“Yes, I’ve spoken to Cameron already. He is waiting to see the earl, but the earl will see no one until he sees you first.”

Tricia’s heart sank. Perhaps Thomas would refuse her. But Cameron would force the issue. Still, she didn’t want Thomas to feel obligated to marry her if he didn’t truly love her…


“Let’s go, Mummy.”

Together they walked the long way to the west wing of the mansion, to the earl’s suite of rooms.

Lady Clementine rapped on the door softly.

Mr. Longbottom, Thomas’s valet, opened the door. “Good morning, my ladies.”

“I’m Lady Clementine Price-Adams, and this is my daughter, Lady Patricia. The earl has asked to see her.”

Tricia’s cheeks warmed. Longbottom knew well who she was. She’d been in the earl’s bed only two days ago.

“Yes, of course, my ladies. Do please come in.”

“Mr. Longbottom,” Patricia said, “is the earl all right? Was he badly burned?”

“He is fine and resting comfortably. He has some fairly significant burns on both his forearms and his left hand, but it seems his coat took the brunt of it. The physician has treated his arms with a salve and given him some medication for the pain.”

“Oh, he’s in pain!” Tricia could hardly bear it.

“Burns are quite painful, yes. But he’s well, and he wishes to see you.”

“Yes, of course. Please, take me to him, Mr. Longbottom.”

Longbottom led Patricia and her mother through several sitting rooms into the bedchamber, which Tricia already knew well.

She couldn’t let her mother know that, of course, though at this point, Tricia did not give a fig who knew about her history with Thomas. She needed to see him. To see with her own eyes that he was all right.

He lay in his large bed, his hair in disarray, his arms bandaged in white. His left hand was also bandaged.

Thomas had such beautiful hands. Now they might be scarred. Patricia didn’t care. She still loved him with all her heart.

His head was propped up on several fluffy pillows, and he turned his gaze toward them when they walked in.

And he smiled.

He smiled at Tricia.

Tricia wiped a tear from her cheek. “Oh, Thomas.”

Her mother gasped at her use of his Christian name, but she didn’t care. She went to his bedside and boldly sat on the edge of his bed. She wished she could take his hand, but she didn’t want to cause him any more pain.

“Do you hurt too badly?”

“I shall be fine, Tricia,” he said. He looked to her mother. “Lady Clementine.”

She bowed her head. “My lord. I do hope you’re not feeling too badly.”

“I shall be fine, my lady.” He lifted his head enough to meet Lady Clementine’s gaze. “I know it’s not quite proper, but would it be possible for me to speak to Lady Tricia alone?”