Page 24 of A Beta Protects

She’s disappointed, but smiles as if it’s no big deal. “Okay. That was a really generous thing, buying all those outfits for your friend.”

“She’s worth it.”

I feel Kira studying me for the next couple of minutes. “So, uh, are you two close?”

It’s wrong that I should feel this much pleasure at what sounds like Kira’s jealousy. “We’re friends. I have no interest in Rose.”


I dart a rapid glance at her. “There’s only one woman I have any interest in.”

Her cheeks turn pink, and she looks away. But she doesn’t ask who that woman is.

I wish she would.

Back at the house, I call for Galen as I climb out of the car, telling Kira, “I need a little help with the bags.”

Galen emerges, brow furrowed in confusion until his nose twitches as he jogs down the porch steps. “Dom. What’s up?”

He must smell my blood.

“Kira and I did a bit of damage in the boutique. Can you grab Sierra to give Kira a hand getting everything inside? I had an idea about that out-building renovation on our way home and wanted to check something out in the DIY store.”

Galen doesn’t hesitate. “Sierra! You think you could give Kira a hand carrying these bags into the house? Dom needs a hand with something.”

Sierra is out in seconds. She subtly sniffs and her gaze sharpens. “No problem. Don’t spend too long out there. It might not be safe.”

It’s clear she knows what we’re going to do with a warning like that.

“We won’t.” Galen drops a kiss on the top of Sierra’s head. “We’re just going to have a quick look.”

As Sierra helps Kira empty the shopping bags from the trunk of the car, I walk Galen around the side of the house, speaking quietly. “Someone shot me in town. If we move fast, we might just be able to track them.”

“Kira’s husband?”


His eyes dip to my side. “Are you okay?”

“It’s stopped bleeding. Let me change out of this shirt before Kira sees it and figures out what happens. We’ll take your truck and hope Kira doesn’t see us leave.”



“Wow, you guys sure did some damage, huh?” Sierra grabs a couple of bags from the open trunk as Dom and Galen wander around the side of the house.

Galen has his arm around Dom’s shoulder and they have their heads bent together, talking too quietly to be overheard.


My head snaps back to Sierra. “Uh, sorry.” I grab a couple more bags. “Dom seemed determined to buy Rose outfits for her birthday.”

Sierra’s expression freezes. “Really?”

I watch her, curious. “Uh, yeah.”

“Dom mentioned it before.” A new female voice comes from the porch. I struggle to remember the beautiful blonde’s name. Chloe, I think. She stuffs her cell phone into her pocket and jogs down the porch steps. “He said we’re hiding it in your room, so Rose won’t see.”