Just one opportunity to surprise him and get away.
Or I die.
I remember the shovel as Bryce’s footsteps crunch, slow and steady, around the car.
I’m closing my hands around the handle, willing myself to be brave enough to throw it at Bryce like a javelin, or hit him with it and run, when a soft beep sounds. The trunk lid opens and?—
A gun cocks, freezing me on the spot.
Bryce stands one foot away from the vehicle, gripping the gun he spent the last few years threatening me with. His eyes are laser focused. “Drop it.”
He sounds exactly like a cop because he is one. Maybe that’s why I instinctively drop the shovel. He’s also the man I refuse to call my husband anymore, and he is going to kill me.
“Get out,” he orders.
I don’t move.
Maybe he won’t shoot me here. If I resist him long enough, then he’ll decide this is too much effort.
“I won’t tell you again, Kira.”
I get out of the trunk, nearly falling when my legs give way from being curled up for however many miles we’ve been on the road.
The second my feet touch the dirt, Bryce has one hand in my hair and his grip is tight. “Get the shovel.”
I consider hitting him with it the second I grab it. He’s close enough I could do a lot of damage, force him to let me go, then I could run.
He must be a mind reader to lower his mouth to my ear. “I have the gun pointed at your head, Kira. I’m not missing from this close. Don’t try anything.”
I pick up the shovel and cry out as he drags me away from the car, deeper into the forest. I trip, stumble, and cry out again. No matter what I do, his grip never loosens and his pace never slows.
We walk for maybe five or ten minutes when he stops at a small clearing, muttering. “This will do.”
I’ve barely lifted my head when he shoves me.
My shoulder slams into a tree and I fall, dropping the shovel as he barks. “Start digging.”
And I know this is the end.
I look up at this furious man I thought I loved. Who I did love. Once, so many years ago. Back then, I was a different person and so was he. The man I’m looking at bears no relation to the man I thought I knew because I never knew him. He was a stranger all along.
“How can you do this, Bryce?”
“How can I…” He barks out a harsh laugh, never lowering his gun so I never get an opportunity to run. “You are mine, Kira. My wife. You think you can walk away?” He shakes his head, his eyes glittering with fury. “No, you don’t get to do that.”
I’m fumbling for a way I can get out of this when his gaze dips. I thought he was angry before. It’s nothing compared to the look in his eyes now.
I instinctively lean away from him.
“You whore,” he whispers, his voice trembling with white-hot rage.
His palm lashes out, and I cry out when it connects with my cheek.
He’s shaking me as he yells. “You fucked him, didn’t you?” Another hard shake. “Did you think I wouldn’t see that hickey he gave you?”
I try to break free but I can’t see. He’s shaking me that hard.
Bryce stops suddenly, whispering, “What was?—”