Actually, that would make a lot of sense. But he’d think about it later.
Correcting himself smoothly, Nik said, “I’m not sure if she likes me as much as I like her.”
Varo shrugged. “Probably not.”
“Thanks for the support.”
“I’m just saying! She’s too cool for you.” Varo dodged, laughing, as Nik kicked the ball toward his head. “Alright, calm down. She likes you. Of course, she likes you. Anyone can see that.”
The words mollified Nik a little. Anyone could see it? So, it wasn’t just a figment of his desperate imagination.
“I do have some advice, though,” Kieran piped up. “I know you don’t think it’s a big deal, so you probably haven’t told her. But trust me, people care about this kind of thing when they’re in relationships.”
“What?” The ball rolled back to Nik, and he tapped it neatly at Varo.
“You should probably mention that you fucked Laurie. And G. And Varo. And Tom—”
“Okay, yeah,” Nik interrupted. “I get it.”
Aria already knew about Tom. She knew about everyone he’d slept with in this house—except his friends, because she hadn’t needed to know. They weren’t on his I regret it, steer clear list. They were on his That was fun list, or in Varo and G’s case, his Let’s do this again some time list. Would Aria care? Honestly, he wasn’t sure.
“You’re right.” Nik nodded. “I’ll tell her.”
“I can’t believe you haven’t already.” Varo grinned. “How the hell did you get a girlfriend, again?”
I paid.
“Speaking of...” Kieran’s dark gaze shifted to the right, his brows raising as he trailed off.
Nik looked over to find fucking Shenker looming over Aria, Laurie and G like a vulture. The slimy piece of shit. What part of That’s my only, solo, monogamous fucking girlfriend did that prick not understand?
“Woah, man,” Varo said quietly. “Relax.”
Which was when Nik realised he was clenching his fists hard enough to make his knuckles ache. He took a deep breath and released the tight grip, ignoring his friends’ stares. Nik rarely lost his temper—only on the pitch, and even then, it took a lot of fucking provocation. His mates would be wondering what the hell was wrong with him. They didn’t know how much he really hated Shenker, because Nik didn’t have the energy to talk shit.
“I don’t want him bothering her,” he said flatly.
“Okaaaay...” Varo replied. “Is he bothering her? I know Shenker’s a flirt, but I’ve never heard about him crossing the line.”
“I don’t know. I just don’t fucking like it.” His eyes settled on the ball at his feet, and an idea winked into his brain like a lightbulb.
“Nik,” Varo said slowly. “Whatever you’re about to do…”
Nik ignored him, moving back a few spaces to give himself a run-up.
“At least let Varo take it,” Kieran sighed. “He’s the striker.”
“You think I can’t hit him?” Nik asked.
Varo rolled his eyes at Kieran. “Now you’ve done it.”
“Bet me.”
“Nik,” Kieran scoffed, “we’re not placing bets on this juvenile—”
“5000 Euro,” Varo interrupted. “Ten if you get his head.”
“Done. Kieran?”