Page 161 of Something So Strong

Millie stares at the diamond ring on her finger. She tries to tug out of my grip, but I only hold her tighter.

“What did you expect?” she scoffs, trying to sound tough even though she’s shaking.

“What did I expect?”

“I was in love with you, Kai. Even through all the fucking around you did, I’d have done anything you asked. And you just left me. You can’t expect me to not move on.”

I throw her hand away. “It’s not about moving on, Millie. Who gave you that fucking ring?”

She cradles her left hand to her chest. “I don’t wanna tell you.”

My head is pounding, my heart is racing faster than it was before, and I swear I’ll rip someone’s limbs off with my bare hands if she says that cunt’s name.

“Is that because I already know?”

“I told you he’s changed.”

“Changed? Tigers can’t change their stripes.”

“Well, he has.”

Of all the righteous bullshit I’ve ever heard touted, this takes the cake.

“Once a rape—”

My words are stolen from me by the look of utter horror on Millie’s face.

Of course, she doesn’t remember because I never told her.

I never told anyone.

Alma knows about my nightmares, but Jesse is the first person to know the truth.

The girls knew their boyfriends beat me up, but I told them my pants were ripped during the fight with Dad. And at the hospital, they weren’t allowed in the ER with me.

I cradle my face in my hands.

“What are you trying to say, Kai?” Millie’s tone is desperate. I didn’t let everything slip out, but I said enough she should be able to figure out the intention. “Please, Kai. What were you going to say?”


She pulls my hands away from my face. “I didn’t hear you. Please.” Her voice trembles as she fights to hold back tears. “Please. You have to tell me what you—”

“I can’t.” I pull away and head for the exit.

“Please don’t walk away.”

The noise of the restaurant builds around me, louder and louder, until I’m pressing my hands against my ears and pushing past people to get to the front door. My only objective is to escape. To where? I don’t know. I just can’t be in here anymore.

Outside, the stream of people on the sidewalk is thick, but one person slows time to a crawl.

Hands still covering my ears, I spot him from the corner of my eye as I pass the front of Fernanda’s. I’d recognize him anywhere. His image is burned into my brain and not even nine years have dulled its intensity because time means nothing when monsters like him exist. And nothing can ever make them change.


I keep trudging forward, convincing myself it wasn’t directed at me.

“Don’t ignore me!”