I bite down on my tongue, wanting so badly to tell him to whip it the fuck out and let’s really see whose is bigger.
“Anything else?” I ask, barely louder than a growl, and I hear the door chime ring again, but I don’t remove my eyes from the slimeball.
He slides over a business card. “Call me once you’ve had a chance to think it over.” I don’t move to take the card, but he winks at me and heads for the door, passing two guys on his way out.
I double take and notice those guys are Noah and Caleb. Great.
“What do you fuckers want?” I grunt and slap a hand on the business card and the cash, pocketing both. Making a mental note to shred the card later. I don’t need Caleb or Noah witnessing any of that.
“Thought you’d be in a good mood considering you finally got laid—OW!” Caleb says before he shouts at Noah, punching him in the arm. His words have me glaring at Noah.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” I say under my breath. “What bullshit you spinning?”
Noah raises his hand in defense before he levels Caleb with a look, who rubs the arm Noah punched and looks at me apologetically.
“I didn’t realize it was a secret,” Caleb says between gritted teeth.
“Casey might have said some things,” Noah fills me in. What the fuck?
Noah must see the rage on my face because he continues. “She didn’t know I was there! She didn’t even know Addison was there. Actually, I don’t think she even knew she was speaking out loud.” He raises his hands again, and I look around the shop to make sure no fucker is listening to this drivel.
“I didn’t have sex with Casey,” I say quietly, but clearly, omitting the fact that I spent the morning wishing I had and, instead, pictured the face she made when she came while I fisted my dick three times. I was insatiable for Casey.
Noah drags a hand down his face and snaps his head to Caleb.
“Can you just keep your mouth shut for once? I never said they did.”
Caleb shrugs. “So, he gets freaky on the counter and then, what… just goes to sleep? How the fuck are your balls after that?” Blue as fuck. I obviously don’t say that, or clarify that I left early the next morning so I could relieve myself before my shift started.
I look at Noah and point to Caleb. “This is who manages your sales team?” My point comes across, and Noah closes his eyes and sighs heavily while nodding. Understanding that his best friend is a fucking idiot.
“What!? What did I say this time?” Caleb spreads his hands like he honestly hasn’t any idea.
“Can I get you guys a coffee? Or are you here to talk about shit you have no idea about?”
“We came for a coffee. But also to hang out. When you off?” This coming from Noah, and I narrow my eyes at him, trying to pinpoint the joke here.
I’m sure they want to hang out so they can talk shit about me and Casey. Although I have no idea what to even say about it.
Freaky on the counter is one way to put it. Really, she just destroyed my mind, and sneaking out of her room was the single hardest thing I’ve done. But if I didn’t, the counter wasn’t the only place we were going to get freaky. Casey is vulnerable right now, and I didn’t want to cross a line we couldn’t come back from. Physical attraction is one thing. I know she is attracted to me. I see the way she reacts to me, but it’s just that, attraction. And I don’t know that I can move beyond that. I don’t know how to give myself over completely.
“Shift ends at four.”
“We’re meeting Luke and Ethan at Bozzelli’s. You should come,” Caleb offers, as he sits at the counter, Noah following his lead and they pick up a menu.
“Why?” I ask, looking between them.
Noah looks up at me and raises an eyebrow. “Uh, because we’re fun?”
“Don’t be lame. Come have a beer,” Caleb says, not looking up from the menu. “Hey, what does Rosie usually order from here?” he questions, still not looking up, and it has Noah and I turning in his direction, puzzled looks on our faces. Caleb looks up and notices our staring, his cheeks heat uncharacteristically. “What?”
“Rosie doesn’t really order here. When she does, it’s just a black coffee.”
“Black coffee?” he says, his eyebrows drawing together. He looks at Noah for confirmation, who shrugs and peruses the menu again. “Really?”
I shrug in response. “She says she likes her coffee to match her soul.” Caleb’s jaw drops, and Noah just chuckles under his breath and replies quietly, “That sounds about right.”