“Alright, we’ll catch up with you later. Well done again, Ads, you deserve it.” His smile is kind, and Ava just gives me the waggly eyebrows.
Casey squeezes my shoulder and winks before turning while Rosie slaps me on the ass and says, “Get ’em, tiger.”
“Hey, oraíos .” His sexy smile aims straight for my lady parts. His deep rich voice with a Greek accent he can sometimes just turn on, has me melting into a puddle on the spot.
“Hey there, Romeo,” I say back as he saunters closer to me, stopping directly in front of me, his hands casually in the pockets of his suit pants. Using a delicate finger, he swipes a piece of hair behind my ear.
“I’m so incredibly proud of you, shortcake.” I hum and lean into his touch, feeling full and warm that he is here, looking at me with those chocolate eyes that see right through me. “The afternoon is yours. What do you want to do with it?”
“You don’t have to go back to the office?”
He shakes his head and my butterflies take off. “Took the rest of the afternoon off. I’m all yours.” He leans down and places a kiss on each of my cheeks, soft, sweet kisses that are so at odds with the usual chaotic energy that follows us.
“Well, I’m glad I get you to myself.” I lean in and wrap my arms around his torso, rising on my toes to take his lips in mine. He deepens the kiss and holds me around the shoulders, wrapping me firmly in that spring scent of his. “But I’m so tired. I didn’t sleep much last night. I feel like I have been a nervous ball of anxiety, and I think I just need some downtime.” His grin is devious, and it has my eyes narrowing in suspicion while my mind thinks of all the dirty things he could do to help me relax.
“I have the perfect idea.” He kisses me quickly on the nose before turning us and directing us to the parking lot, his arm remaining around my shoulders, and I reach up to interlace my fingers with his.
“How come you always do that?”
“Do what?”
“Kiss each of my cheeks.”
He laughs gently before planting another kiss on the top of my head. “Because, when you get that little blush to your cheeks you look so damn beautiful I can’t control myself.”
“Okay, can I come in yet?” Noah had me wait out in the living room while he “set up my surprise” in my bathroom.
“You know, patience is a virtue,” he calls from the other side of the door.
“I have no need for virtues, Noah. I’m already perfect,” I say in my best brat voice as he opens the door, a panty melting smirk plastered to his face.
“That you are, shortcake.” He grabs my hand and drags me inside, the air in the room feeling thick, and the scent of lavender wraps around me, making me breathe deeply. The lights are off and there are candles everywhere, a chilled bottle of champagne and a little bowl of strawberries sit next to the bath. A bath that is full, with bubbles and rose petals. My heart lurches and my stomach sinks.
I slip deeper into the bath, feeling the water inch up from my collarbone to my neck, to my chin, until I feel my lips go under… I wonder: is this the most peaceful way to go?
My last trip in the bath flood my memory and my heart races. This kind and beautiful man. This man who never thinks of himself and holds me on a pedestal. A pedestal I don’t belong on because he has done this thing, this amazing, heart-exploding thing for me, and I’m five seconds from a panic attack.
“You… you don’t like it?” He seems confused as he steps in front of me, his eyes searching me, grip firm on my shoulders. “Talk to me, Addy. What’s happening right now?” He remains calm, but I see the panic in his eyes. He wants to help, and he has no idea how. I try to take a breath, squeezing my eyes closed, and try to make the words come out.
“The bath. The last time… I…” thought about dying. How do you explain this to someone? That the last time I was in a bath, I thought about ending everything. The thought of no longer being a burden or failing at everything I do, being washed away by the deep water.
“You what, Ads?” he whispers, the concern on his face morphing slowly into understanding.
“The last time I had a bath, Noah, I… I wanted… I couldn’t…” Words. Say words. “I nearly didn’t get out.” The words are a strained whisper, shame and guilt slamming me as I close in on myself, the tears pouring from my eyes, and Noah squeezes me to his chest. He holds me for a few minutes, swaying us gently enough that it manages to calm my breathing. Great, I’m essentially a newborn.
“Do you trust me?” he says, pulling back, his eyes latching on to mine. I nod without hesitation and he reaches around to the zip of my dress. “Can I?” Again I nod, and he undoes my dress, letting it pool at my feet. He bends and slips my feet out of my heels. I lean my hands on his shoulders for balance, and he lazily drags his fingers up the side of my thighs, my hips, my waist, and then to my back as he rises. He unclips my bra with ease, letting it, too, fall, his eyes trailing my body. “God, you’re so fucking beautiful, Addison. Every part of you.” He removes my panties and then clasps my hand, keeping his eyes on me as he walks us towards the bath.
I hesitate as he gestures for me to step in.
“Do you trust me?” he asks again, although perhaps it was more of a statement. He leans down and gently kisses my lips. “I’ve got you.”
He lifts my hand up, and I step into the bath. He goes to let my fingers go and I grip on to him. “Wait, please don’t leave.” The panic ceases me, and the last place I want to be right now is alone in the bath, romantic setting or not. All the lavender in the world couldn’t make alone time in the bath worth it.
“It’s okay. I’m not going anywhere.” He drags over a stool and places it against the wall, and takes a seat at the opposite end to me and he waits for me to sit, his smile a calm and warm caress over my heart. “I’m going to sit right here while you enjoy your bath. It’s your time to relax, Addy.” I don’t know what karma gods I satisfied, but I’d do anything to thank them right now.
He winks at me and grabs the champagne from the ice bucket. “Glass of wine, shortcake?”