Page 24 of Falling for Fury

“They just. Won’t. Stop. Fighting. It is draining the life out of me. The whole car trip it was, ‘You never talk to me anymore, you just stare at your phone’, ‘well, maybe if you ever stopped nagging me and said nice things, I’d want to talk to you again’, ‘well, if you just did what I asked when I asked, I wouldn’t have to nag’.” Riley mimics our parents arguments, alternating between a high pitch and a deep grumble with her face screwed up. She takes a breath and drags her hands down her face in exhaustion.

“Oh, God. Don’t worry, you can be our friend for the week. Maybe Jessie will come and distract Mom with his golden-child charm,” I say on a giggle at Riley’s animated expression.

“Apparently, the golden child will not be gracing us with his presence this week. He has ‘business to take care of’. Very ominous,” Ava explains with her usual disdain for Jessie being Mom’s favourite. After our run in and my not so calm reaction the last time I saw JJ, I’m not sorry he is skipping this week.

I loop my arms around Riley and Ava, and we head back out the front door to get a look at the lake, when I stop dead in the center of the room.

My eyes scrunch close then open wide, like I am trying to make sure I have not fully lost my mind and am now seeing things.

“Woah, what’s up, Ads?” Riley asks with concern. She and Ava proceed to look in the direction of my stare and Ava releases a low chuckle.

“I don’t get it… wait, who is that?” Riley whines. I slowly turn my head to Ava.

“Is this your doing?”

“Is what her doing? Don’t leave me out, tell me!” Riley is practically shouting.

“Shhh, Riley, relax. And I promise this was not me.” Ava releases herself from my looped arm, raising her arms in surrender. “But perhaps it is a sign. I saw you guys all chummy at Mia’s birthday.”

“I knew I should have made Mom and Dad come to that!” Riley interjects. “Now I’m behind on the gossip. Tell me what is going on!” She whacks Ava on the arm.

“Ouch! She can tell you. I don’t know anything, and I need to go… help Matt… in the room…” She turns on a heel and bails.

“RILEY!” Dad shouts from outside, holding up her suitcase.

“UGH! You don’t get out of telling me what is going on. I am finding you later!” She turns and runs outside to see Dad. Who, might I add, has not even waved to me.

“Addison,” the surprise guest greets as he walks through the large front doors of the lodge. The scent of spring fills my nose.

“And what, might I ask, are you doing here, at my family’s lodge, Noah?” I give him a semi-scowl while trying to appear confident and not at all like my stomach is flipping the fuck out over the sight of Noah. “Really can’t handle the rejection can you, just had to follow me here?” I add with a raised brow. I casually drag my eyes from his warm chocolate ones, past his chiseled jawline, down his very broad torso, to his long legs, and back up to those gorgeous eyes. My memory of him really did not do him justice. The attraction of Lucas just pales in comparison. Damn.

He gasps and reaches his hand to his chest, feigning a mock horror at my accusation. “Rejection? Weren’t you the one that suggested a raincheck? I was simply moving up the timeline.” He ends on a lopsided grin and a wink.

I hate that he is right, and hate the excitement that kicks into gear at him wanting to see me again. I pretend none of these feelings exist. “So you decided to crash a family vacation? A little desperate, aren’t we?” I say as I take a few steps to close the gap between us, aiming for snarky, but I think… was that flirty?

“I am not crashing anything, shortcake. I am an invited guest. Matt and I had some business that couldn’t wait, he suggested I tag along.” Again, with the arrogant smile. I scoff and roll my eyes, making to head towards the stairs and attempt to hide my blush. My stomach sinks as I realize that he isn’t actually here for me, but I try to quickly shove down those feelings. Again, I have no business feeling anything for Noah.

We make it to the end of the stairs when a screech comes from behind me. “Addison! So lovely to see you. God, it feels like forever!” I turn and find our family friends Vicky and George on the front porch, Vicky dropping her bags to run over to me, George remaining unimpressed that he now has to also carry her bags. George and Dad were high school friends, and Mom and Vicky ended up working together in their first jobs after leaving school, so it is fair to say I have known them my whole life. They have kids of their own, mine and Ava’s age, but they are constantly traveling and never around for the typical family holidays.

Vicky wraps me in a suffocating hug. “It was only three months ago. We had that dinner at Mom and Dad’s remember?”

“I know, but three months is still too long.”

I wrap George in a hug as he finally catches up, a guy of few words, but his face is kind as we do our usual greetings. Noah coughs quietly behind me, and I jolt as I remember his presence behind me at the stairs.

“And who is this tall drink of water?” Vicky gestures to Noah and throws some wiggly eyebrows in my direction while poking my side. Noah, to his credit, isn’t the least bit phased by her insinuation and throws his firm hand and should-be-illegal forearms out to shake George’s hand. “Noah Karvelas, I am a friend of Addy’s.” Then proceeds to lean down to Vicky and smack a kiss to each of her cheeks. Damn Greeks and all their charm.

I do not miss the shady wink he throws my way. Vicky accepts the hello and widens her eyes at me. George shakes his hand, too, throws Noah a, nice to meet you,” before he turns to take his and Vicky’s bag to their room. I scowl at Noah and roll my eyes. “We are not friends. We met at Mia’s party, and then he followed me here—like a stalker.” I level an accusatory stare at Noah, who just rolls his eyes at me shakes his head.

“Mmmhmm,” Vicky says, unconvinced. “Okay, love birds. I will leave you to it.” She throws me a wink and makes to follow George to their room.

“We are not—”

“She can’t hear you now, dearest,” Noah cuts me off, throwing me a sarcastic grin to match the lovely pet name he has given me.

“Ugh, you’re insufferable.” I roll my eyes and ignore him as I head upstairs.
