“I’m so glad you’re feeling better,” she said, true relief in her voice—but Ilex detected another emotion underneath.

“And you, Dahlia? Are you well?” They asked.

“I…Yes, I’m well, thank you for asking,” she said and paused. They waited for her to continue. “Ilex, if it’s alright with you, I think I should stay a few more days. Just until we are sure you’re fully recovered, you know? I wouldn’t want the fever to take you again when you’re all alone out here with no one to help. Would that be alright with you? Of course, I don’t want to intrude, and I know you live out here because you like your privacy, but,” she stopped and took in a breath as Ilex closed the short distance between them. They took her dainty hand in theirs and looked into her amber eyes as they spoke.

“Dahlia, you are welcome here as long as you’d like to stay. I find I quite enjoy your company. Please do not worry about intruding. I am grateful for your help, more than you know,” they said.

“Oh,” Dahlia said, clearly surprised at Ilex’s openness. They found they could not help but be open with her. Her face softened after a moment, though, and a smile graced her lovely rosebud lips.

“Thank you for saying that, Ilex. I…” she paused, glancing away to collect herself before turning her amber eyes back on them. “People generally do not seem to enjoy having me around. I talk too much. My voice is shrill. I don’t act with respectable seriousness for my role…the critiques never end. It is, in fact, very meaningful to me that you enjoy my company. I find I enjoy yours too, Ilex.”

A content quiet settled over them then as they both let their honesty sink in. Ilex couldn’t look away from Dahlia, this dainty flower of a necromancer who had floated into their life on a rogue breeze. They were glad she wanted to stay with them, if only for a few more days.

* * *

The next morning, Ilex awoke with the dawn and immediately noticed Dahlia’s soft snoring from where she slept on one of their mossy benches. They rose from their nest and walked quietly over to take in her sleeping form. Her expression was so soft in her sleep; they couldn’t believe this tiny force of a woman had taken down those bandits singlehanded. Ilex was grateful she had been there to save them.

They were usually self-sufficient—had been for the last three decades—but having someone to help when they needed it wasn’t the worst thing. In fact, it made Ilex’s heart ache in a way it never had before. They wanted to hear her voice again, to get lost in her words and thoughts.

Ilex didn’t know what was happening, but they knew they needed to get some space. They turned away from her and strode out into the dewy morning. They didn’t know where they were headed, but they needed to think and get this budding attachment to Dahlia out of their mind.


Chapter 11

Dahlia awoke alone in the cabin. Ilex must be feeling better if they had gone out, and Dahlia supposed there was no need to worry about their absence. Though, she did worry.

She wasn’t sure when she had decided to fuss so much over this Dryad that had startled her in the woods, but it seemed her emotions had a mind of their own. She absently ran her hand over Fluffy’s bony back where he sat curled in a ball next to her.

What an odd predicament she found herself in. Not in a million years would she have guessed that she would meet one of the non-human creatures of Domhan na Rùin on her journey to Ichorna, let alone end up nursing one back to health in their cottage—but here she was. She had wanted adventure, to see new things; she couldn’t complain that she wasn’t getting her wish.

When she finally felt awake enough, she stood and stretched and made her way over to the small kitchen area of the cottage. A bowl of crisp apples sat atop the counter, and she took one, shining it on her shirt before taking a bite. Its tart juice danced across her tongue, and she let out a little moan of pleasure at the bright taste.

She heard a sharp intake of breath behind her and whirled to find Ilex standing in the doorway, eyes a bit wide and a darker shade of green coloring their cheeks.

“Oh! Ilex, good morning. I hope it’s alright I took an apple. They’re delicious!” She said in a rush, her mouth full and embarrassment at her moan now coloring her cheeks.

“Of course, please help yourself to anything here,” they answered, a smile playing on their lips.

“It looks like a beautiful morning outside! I’ve never been much of a morning person. I don’t have to start in my workshop at any specific time, which inevitably means I run late,” she said around her bite of apple. Ilex didn’t respond but watched her intently. Their appraisal made her nervous, and she was talking again before she could stop herself.

“Did I mention I have a workshop at court in Daosbor? I make potions and such; that’s my particular area of expertise. I went through necromancy training, of course, but they keep me around because I’m uh…good with plants.” She finished her sentence and internally groaned at herself for her choice of words. Her unintentional innuendo did not escape Ilex’s notice; she could see them trying not to smile.

“Anyway, that’s what I do all day. That and talk to Fluffy. What do you do with your days? Do you have any hobbies or anything?” Apparently, she was determined to talk her new companion to death.

“Do you think Fluffy would like to have some fur of sorts?” Ilex asked, eyeing the cat where it still lay curled on the bench.

“Oh! I’m sure he would, though I’m not sure how…” Dahlia trailed off as Ilex raised their willowy hand toward Fluffy. Delicate vines and soft leaves twined around Fluffy’s bones, giving the cat the appearance of fur all over and a pair of downy ears.

Fluffy stirred and let out a tiny meow before stretching and jumping down from the bench.

“Oh, wow! That’s incredible, Ilex! What beautiful magic you have to do such a thing,” Dahlia ran her hands over Fluffy’s new leafy coat as she spoke, smiling up at Ilex.

“I hope Fluffy enjoys his new coat,” Ilex said with a chuckle. “And to answer your question, I listen to the forest. That is my hobby. I hear the birds and the wind on the leaves and the movement of the water—even the soft creaking of the trees as they grow. I listen, and I exist, and that has been enough for me for many years,” Ilex said simply.

“I see,” Dahlia answered, letting Ilex’s words settle into her mind. “Do you think that will ever change? Might it not be enough for you someday?”

Ilex looked at her for a long moment as they considered. “Anything is possible.”