Page 87 of Vacation Friends

What if something had happened to him?



I love being in the thick of things.

Seeing my plans play out while everyone is clueless about the tragedies awaiting.

The trick to these things is being the smartest one in the room.

Or, in this case, the forest.

People underestimate me, but I’m really quite brilliant. I’m meant for great things. Soon, people will see. I won’t be overlooked.

Worry grips everyone around me. I feel it in the air, and it’s glorious.

What happened to Fowler? That’s what they murmur to those around them.

And then there’s the even bigger question . . . will they be next?

Even people who aren’t involved in all of this are getting nervous.

That makes this even more fun.

I know I shouldn’t, but a smile tries to curl my lips. I must keep the reaction under control. If someone saw me . . .

I sober. No one can know it’s me.

If they find out, my plan will be ruined.

That won’t be okay.

I’ve worked entirely too hard to get to this point only to fail.

No, in just a couple more days the fruit of my labor will pay off.

I actually love what I’m doing. I’m good at it. Part of me will be sad when it’s over.

Wait—what? I catch myself.

Why would I think that?

I won’t be sad.

Life will be even better when this is over.

For so many reasons. I glance at the waterfall and fight another smile. For so many reasons.



An hour had passed.

An hour with no sign of Fowler.

Nighty tried to remain calm, but Maddie could see the distress in his gaze.